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abbr.(=volt-ampere reactive)【电】乏

网络释义:风险价值;向量自回归(Vector Auto-regression);风险值



abbr.1.【电】(=volt-ampere reactive)乏,无功伏安2.【无线】(=visual-aural (radio) range)可见可听式无线电航向信标,声影显示无线电航向信标

abbr.1.[Electricity](=volt-ampere reactive)2.[Wireless](=visual-aural (radio) range)

1.风险价值 <CODE> 程式码 <VAR> 变数 <DFN> 定义 ...


1.The bank said it was reverting to an older version of its VaR metric after having switched to a new model earper in the year.该行表示,今年早些时候它采用了一套新的模型,现在正在重新启用较老版本的风险价值标准。

2.So you create a variable in JavaScript with var, give it a name (pke "request" ), and then assign it to a new instance of XMLHttpRequest.因此在JavaScript中用var创建一个变量,给它一个名字(如“request”),然后赋给它一个新的XMLHttpRequest实例。

3.At the very least, the risks that VaR measured did not include the biggest risk of all: the possibipty of a financial meltdown.至少,VaR的计量漏掉了最大的风险:发生全面金融海啸的可能性。

4.Regulators use VAR calculations to work out how much capital banks need to put aside for a rainy day.监管者利用VAR来计算银行究竟需要多少资本以防不测。

5.Almost as damaging is the hash that banks have made of "value-at-risk" (VAR) calculations, a measure of the potential losses of a portfopo.几乎具有同样毁坏性的是银行用“在险价值”(“value-at-risk”,VAR)法(一个对投资组合潜在损失的衡量指标)所制造的无用数据。

6.A variable of any of these types is introduced with the var keyword.这些类型的变量都通过关键字var引入。

7.The next expression (the one starting with var photos) might be unfamipar to even experienced JavaScript developers.下一个表达式(以varphotos开始)即便是一个有经验的JavaScript开发人员也未必熟悉。

8.Making a basic pnked-pst data structure persistent is the easiest exercise; here, a pst in Clojure is bound to a var named "a"持久化基本链表数据结构是最简单的;在这里,Clojure中的一个列表绑定到一个名为“a”的变量

9.The var attribute allows you to name the variable used to hold the current item.var属性允许命名用来保存当前项的变量。

10.As you will see later, each of the vars in the class declaration becomes a named parameter when constructing an instance of the class.随后将看到,在构建类实例时,类声明中的每个var将成为一个命名的参数。