




1.梵蒂冈博物馆 2. 圣彼得广场 Saint Peter's Square 3. 凡蒂冈博物馆 Vatican Museums 拿坡里 Napop ...

5.梵蒂岗博物馆此分类上一篇: 拥有数万件艺术品的梵蒂岗博物馆 (Vatican Museums)此分类下一篇: 浪漫悠闲、近乎梦幻般的佛罗伦斯(Fire…

6.梵谛岗博物馆梵谛冈小归小,但时间有限,我们最后只挑了梵谛岗博物馆(Vatican Museums)和圣彼得大教堂(St. Peter's Basipca)这两个地方 …


1.But there are always many interesting and beautiful objects to see at the Vatican Museums.但是梵蒂冈博物馆总是有许多十分吸引人的精美展品。

2.The bus stop is also just a 10 minute walk from the Vatican Museums and a further 10 minutes from St. Peters.车站到梵蒂冈博物馆走路只需10分钟,再走10分钟,就到圣彼得大教堂了。

3.But foreigners will always want to visit the Colosseum and the Vatican museums, or make a pilgrimage to Paris to see the Mona Lisa.但是,对于外国人来说,他们永远都会有兴趣去参观罗马竞技场和梵蒂冈博物馆,亦或是朝圣般的去巴黎看一看蒙娜丽莎。

4.As you enter the Vatican Museums, you pass through large sculptured doors.当你进入梵蒂冈博物馆,你穿过巨大的雕刻门。

5.Elsewhere in the Vatican are the Vatican Museums, Michelangelo's famous Sistine Chapel, and the Raphael rooms.除了大教堂,梵蒂冈还有梵蒂冈博物馆,米开朗基罗著名的西斯廷教堂,以及拉斐尔诸室。

6.Most people get waylaid on the circuitous route through the treasure-filled Vatican museums, but we don't stop.大部分的人走在充满宝藏的梵蒂冈博物馆内迂回的路线上都会分心,但我们绝不停留。

7.He produced them for the opening celebration of the new entrance to the Vatican Museums in 2000.他是为了两千年梵蒂冈博物馆新入口开幕庆典而制造的。

8.The Vatican Museums also exhibit objects from an ancient land called Etruria.梵蒂冈博物馆也展出了一些来自古国伊特鲁里亚的物品。

9.We enter the official private church of the popes, called the Sistine Chapel. It is the most famous part of the Vatican Museums.我们进入教皇们的官方私人教堂,即西斯廷教堂,它是梵蒂冈博物馆中最著名的部分。

10.Vatican Museums (Sistine Chapel), Vatican City梵蒂冈梵蒂冈博物馆(西斯汀礼拜堂)