




1.魏特琳 ... Steward 史德蔚 Vautrin 华群 Wilson 威尔逊 ...

4.沃德林),竟然保护了上万的中国人;还有一位美国女宣教士欧纯影 (Vautrin),当时任教於今陵女子书院,战事爆发后,很多外国人 …


1.After the great Rape, Vautrin drew on her extensive experience in social work to help rebuild the community.在南京大屠杀之后,魏特琳利用她丰富的社会工作经验来帮助社会重建。

2.Minnie Vautrin was to die by her own hand, burdened with guilt over those she had failed to save.明妮对那些她放弃救助的人心怀歉疚,不堪重负,她将死在自己手上。

3.However, in her zeal to help others, Vautrin neglected to take care of herself.为了竭力帮助南京难民,魏特琳却没有时间来照顾她自己的身体。

4.With that kind of demand, Vautrin prices have soared.由于存在这类需求,沃特兰盒子的价格已大幅上涨。

5.The Americans who stayed were mostly missionaries, among them the formidable Minnie Vautrin.大部分留下来的美国人都是传教士,其中就有大义凛然的明妮·魏特林。

6.It is a miracle that Vautrin, who endured both threats and blows from angry Japanese soldiers, survived the Rape of Nanking in one piece.这真是一个奇迹,经过南京大屠杀的浩劫,魏特琳忍受了日军各种威胁甚至气急败坏的殴打,她竟然还活了下来。

7.the Chinese doctor, consumed by self- loathing because of his association with the Japanese, who helps Vautrin rescue Chinese prisoners.那位帮明妮解救中国战俘的中国医生,因与日本人有联系而受自我憎恨的折磨。

8.But the vertu trend has turned up a new star in the gilt bronze boxes of the Paris-based designer Line Vautrin (1913-1997).但古董收藏趋势又使设计镀金青铜盒子的巴黎设计师莱恩•沃特兰(LineVautrin)成为一颗新星。

9.In the 1980s, London dealer David Gill staged Vautrin exhibitions across Europe.20世纪80年代,伦敦经销商大卫•吉尔(DavidGill)曾在欧洲各地举办沃特兰作品展览。

10.to pubpsh the diaries of Minnie Vautrin出版《明妮·魏特琳日记》