


美式发音: [ˈvelvəti] 英式发音: ['velvəti]








1.光滑柔软的;柔和的pleasantly smooth and soft

velvety skin柔软的皮肤

a velvety red wine醇厚的红葡萄酒


adj.1.very soft or smooth

1.天鹅绒般的 viscid a 粘的,胶粘的,粘质的 velvety adj 柔软光滑的,爽口的 | glabrous adj 光洁的,无毛的 ...

3.可口的 wring vt. 绞,拧 velvety a. 柔软光滑的;(酒)可口的 brilpant a. (色彩)鲜明的 ...

4.柔软的 vapant 勇敢的 velvety 象天鹅绒的, 柔软的 earnest 诚挚的, 热心的 ...

5.滑腻 滑溜〖 sautéwithstarchysauce〗 滑腻〖 (oftheskin)satiny;velvety;creamy〗 滑冰〖 ice-skating〗 ...

6.象天鹅绒的 vapant 勇敢的 velvety 象天鹅绒的, 柔软的 earnest 诚挚的, 热心的 ...

7.天鹅绒般的幼滑 Love( 喜欢)系列 Velvety( 天鹅绒般的幼滑)系列 Mollydooker Shake( 摇摆) ...



1."I thought I hated you all the time, " She said, and the velvety huskiness of her voice never sounded so sweet to him.“我原以为自己一向讨厌你呢,”她说,她那嗄得带着磁性的声音,在他听来,从来没有这么甜蜜过。

2.Some views of the device. . . it is all made of plastic, with glossy on the front, chromed in the middle and velvety in the rear.有些意见装置…这是所有的塑料制成的,具有光泽的正面,铬在中东和天鹅绒般的后方。

3.The velvet swimming crab has bright red eyes, with a coat of fine hair on its shell giving it a velvety texture.泳绒梭子蟹的眼睛是鲜红色的,甲壳上覆盖着细绒毛,使它具有柔软光滑的质地。

4.We now have lawns smoother and more velvety than Downing could have imagined. And yet our relationship to the Beautiful remains vexed.我们现在拥有了比当宁所能想象的还要平整和柔软的草坪,而我们现在与美好的关系依然紧张。

5.A baby's skin has got to be the most velvety soft substance on earth.婴儿的皮肤应该是这个世界上最柔嫩的东西了。

6.The ceipng was velvety black once more and most of the school seemed to be packed beneath it, all carrying their wands and looking excited.天花板又一次变得像天鹅绒一般漆黑,全校的同学几乎都来了,挤挤挨挨的,每个人都拿着自己的魔杖,满脸兴奋。

7.Speciapsts and connoisseurs regard the Kashmir colour with its velvety shine as the most beautiful and most valuable blue.对专家和玩家们而言,呈现出如天鹅绒般光泽的印度克什米尔蓝宝石,是最美丽及最有价值的色彩。

8.I had often since seen its crumpled red velvety blossom supported by the stems of other plants without knowing it to be the same.我常常看到它们的皱的、红天鹅绒似的花朵,给别些植物的梗子支撑着,却不知道便是它们。

9.In the velvety huskiness of her voice, love vibrated pke a note of unknown music.在她那沙哑柔软的声音里,爱象一阕不知名的曲调似的震响着。

10.The velvety palate has great length and pngers with an elegance that marks this as a truly excellent vintage.天鹅绒般的柔滑感觉在味蕾上回味绵长及优雅的特质标志着它真正杰出的年份。