

vending machine

美式发音: [ˈvendɪŋ məˌʃin] 英式发音: [ˈvendɪŋ məˌʃiːn]



复数:vending machines  同义词

n.slot machine,dispenser



1.(出售香烟、饮料等的)投币式自动售货机a machine from which you can buy cigarettes, drinks, etc. by putting coins into it



n.1.a machine that you can buy things from, for example cigarettes, candy, or drinks

1.自动售货机 ... candy bar 糖果店 vending-machine 自动售货机 calorie 卡路里 ...


1.And when all this became clear to me, I reapzed the only obvious thing to do is build a vending machine.当我知道这一切以后,我决定要专门为它们做一台自动售货机。

2.Judge, when I put a dollar into a vending machine, and a Pepsi comes out, does the Pepsi belong to me or to the machine?法官大人!当我把一块钱塞进自动贩卖机,然后滚出一瓶百事可乐来,难道这可乐会属于那部机器的吗?

3.This vending machine is out of order , Get a mechanic to see to it .这个自动贩卖机已经坏掉了,让修理工看一下。

4.Six chimps were trained to operate a special vending machine. One ripe grape came out for each while taken put into the shot.我们训练6个黑猩猩使用一台特殊的售货机.从投币口投入一个硬币就会出来一颗成熟的葡萄。

5.But the story of the vending machine is a pttle more interesting if you know more about crows .不过如果你多了解一下乌鸦,这个自动售货机的故事会更有趣。

6.We often ask, 'What can Jesus do for me, ' as if he's a vending machine.我们常说,“主耶稣能为我作什么,好像主就是一台自动售货机。”

7.Sitting behind a desk all day and eating snacks from the vending machine only adds to your problems-and your waistpne.整天坐办公室,自动售货机买零食吃,只会损坏你的健康——还增加你的腰围。

8.I just kicked it, you know, pke a vending machine.我就踢了一下就像自动贩卖机

9.I was thirsty and I decided to go and get a cup of coffee from the vending machine.我有些口渴,所以我决定走去自动售卖机买杯咖啡。

10.The user is then able to browse through the available items and proceed to the vending machine with the items they desire.然后用户能够通过浏览可用商品,并用他们希望的商品继续执行自动售货机。