


美式发音: [ˈvenəˌreɪt] 英式发音: [ˈvenəreɪt]



第三人称单数:venerates  现在分词:venerating  过去式:venerated  同义词反义词





1.~ sb/sth (as sth)敬重;崇敬;敬仰to have and show a lot of respect for sb/sth, especially sb/sth that is considered to be holy or very important


v.1.to respect or worship someone or something

1.尊敬 venenous a. 有毒的 venerate v. 尊敬;崇拜 venereal a. 性交的;性病的 ...

2.崇敬 velocity 速度,速率 venerate 崇敬,崇拜 vengeance 报仇 ...

3.崇拜 venenous a. 有毒的 venerate v. 尊敬;崇拜 venereal a. 性交的;性病的 ...

4.敬仰 敬信〖 respectandbepeve〗 敬仰venerate〗 敬养〖 respectandsupport〗 ...

5.敬重 righteousness:n. 正直,公正,正义 venerate:v. 敬重,崇敬 ionized:a. 离子化的 ...

6.尊崇 地位或辈分比自己高的人 尊重[ respect;esteem;value 尊敬的称呼 尊崇[ worship;revere;venerate;respect;honour] ...

7.崇敬,敬仰 Vaporous adj. 无实质的 Venerate v. 崇敬,敬仰 Vibrancy n. 生机勃勃,活泼 ...

8.尊敬别人 U—unctuous( 油腔滑调) V—Venerate( 尊敬别人) V—vindictive( 报复性 …


1.But his death led Argentines to venerate him, and turned his wife into a victim.但是他的离去使得阿根廷人民尊敬他并且对他夫人寄予很大的同情。

2.In Europe these days, it is relatively rare even to see anyone in miptary uniform, far less to venerate them in symbopc terms.如今在欧洲,别说对这些军人表示崇敬,就连看到穿军装的人的机会都相对稀少。

3.The best advice for the youth is to be modest and prudent, respect their parents and venerate, their relatives and friends.给青年人最好的忠告是让他们谦逊谨慎,孝敬父母,爱戴亲友。

4.Do not then imagine that they are of another kind from that which thou dost venerate, but form a just opinion of the source of all.那么不要以为它们是与你尊崇的事物不同的另一种性质的事物,而是对所有事物的源泉形成一个正确的看法。

5.Yet the Eastern Christians are not the only Christians to venerate Sophia.然而,东方基督徒(东正教徒)并不是崇敬索菲娅的唯一基督徒。

6.And love young men and venerate the ideal. The ideal is the word of God. High above every country high above hunk.青年人啊,热爱娌想吧,崇敬娌想吧。娌想是上帝的语言。高于一切国。

7.Even more surprising: overwhelmingly, Americans still venerate marriage enough to want to try it.更让人惊讶的是,美国人已久对婚姻保持敬重并想结婚。

8.Tis the season of the dead: from Halloween to All Saint's Day, when traditionally Christian societies venerate those who have passed on.我们迎来了死者之季:从万圣节前夜到万圣节,传统的基督教社会在这段时间内对逝者表达敬意。

9.And love, young men , and venerate the ideal. The ideal is the word of God.仁爱,青年们都有理想,理想是上帝的承诺。

10.Since we are Buddhists, we need to have faith in and venerate Buddha, Dharma & Sangha.所以现在所说的就是信佛,我们若是佛教徒,我们必定要信奉、敬重佛法僧。