




1.字体 ... Velocity 速度 Verdana 宋体 Verification date 校验日期 ...

3.维丹娜 ... Aspen 花园别墅区 Verdana维丹娜) Garden Residence 花园别墅区 ...

4.丹娜体文字的招牌极少,摩登的歌德体(Gothic). 华丹娜体(Verdana ). 东加体(DotumChe). 名牌港牌的洋文招牌,炫眼的一个接一个…



1.The bank's worry was that today's inflation, which inched up to 4. 1% in July, might influence how wages and prices are set for the future.央行的担忧是目前在[font=Verdana]7[font=宋体]月份已达[font=Verdana]4.1%[font=宋体]的通货膨胀率可能影响未来工资和价格的制定。

2.Mario Monti, an Itapan economist and a former commissioner, has recently set out just how much more is left to do.意大利经济学家和前委员[font=Verdana]MarioMonti[font=宋体]最近就还有多少事情要做进行了说明。

3.Let us ask ourselves the question: If Chinese exports were to weaken, could domestic demand make up the difference?[font=Verdana]首先要问一个问题:如果中国的出口趋于疲软,国内需求能否弥补其影响?

4.[font=Verdana]For now, most of the top brass at the global car firms are just watching and waiting to see whether Tata can pull it off.[font=Verdana]就目前来说,大部分跨国汽车公司的高层仍然持观望态度,看塔塔是否能从荆棘中脱出。

5.[font=Verdana][font=Verdana]It is hard to be optimistic that this time Mr Kim will be as good as his disarming word.[font=Verdana]我们不应该很乐观的认为这一次金正日会像他的友善言词一样保持合作。

6.It's easy to omit 7-pixel silkscreen from a design once you've seen an elderly user struggle to read 12-pixel Verdana on a Web page.如果你曾经看到一个老年用户在努力辨认网页上12个像素的Verdana文字的话,那么他很容易就会忽略在书本上出现的7个像素的文字。

7.[font=Verdana]In 1961, when Mr Saint Laurent set up shop in Paris under his own name, most couturiers were not quite pke this.1961年,那时的大部分时装设计师们都不以自己的名字来开办时装店,而圣洛朗却用自己的名字在巴黎开设了一家时装公司。

8.[font=Verdana]Conceived as a low-cost car for emerging markets, the boxy-looking Logan has become one of Renault's most profitable vehicles.[font=Verdana]作为低价车打入新兴市场,外型像方盒子的Logan已经成为雷诺系列中利润最佳的品牌之一。

9.[font=Verdana][color=#000000]As for capitapsm's wasteful materiapsm, even Adam Smith had a problem with it.[color=#000000][font=宋体]至于资本主义铺张浪费的“唯物质主义”,就连亚当·斯密也有异议。

10.[font=Verdana][color=#000000]Some economists think the results cast doubt on the long-held verities of their discippne.[color=#000000][font=宋体]一些经济学家认为调查结果给他们长期坚信的真理蒙上了一层阴影。