


美式发音: [ˈvɜrsəs] 英式发音: [ˈvɜː(r)səs]







1.(表示两队或双方对阵)对,诉,对抗used to show that two teams or sides are against each other

It is France versus Brazil in the final.决赛是法国队对巴西队。

in the case of the State versus Ford在州政府诉福特公司的案件中

2.(比较两种不同想法、选择等)与…相对,与…相比used to compare two different ideas, choices, etc.

It was the promise of better job opportunities versus the inconvenience of moving away and leaving her friends.可能会有较好的就业前景,但麻烦的是要搬走并远离她的朋友。


prep.1网站屏蔽ed for stating that two things are being compared in order to show that they are different or that one is better than the other2网站屏蔽ed for showing that two people, groups, or teams are competing against each other in a sports event or a court case

1.对 Dr=doctor 医生,博士 VS=versus Yd=yard 码 ...

2.对抗 venditio 卖 versus 对,对抗 viva voce 口头 ...

3.范瑟丝相对 version n. 翻译,译文,译本;说法,看法; versus prep. 对…,与…相对 vertebra n. 椎骨 ...

5.对战模式 ... 大型机台模式( Arcade) 对战模式Versus) 练习模式( Training) ...

6.千年决斗 最令人震惊的是以拍摄B级片见长的北村龙平,他的《千年决斗》(VERSUS)几乎没有任何主题,纯粹是为了暴力而拍,近 …


1.How much faster can you create a complete look with Synth versus writing one in Java code?用Synth创建一个完整的外观比用Java代码编写这样的外观要快多少?

2.I won't get into a discussion of turnover versus stride length here, but suffice it to say most runners have too long of stride.我这里不想对频率和跨步长度作讨论,只想说大多数长跑的人的跨步都太长了。

3."We want to say that we are a third voice; we are so bored of this game of pberals versus conservatives, " he said.我们希望我们是第三种声音。看着自由派与保守派斗,很无趣。

4.How much you're trading - How much of your capital are you going to allocate to the trade idea versus other ideas?你多少交易-你的资金多少,你要分配给该行业的想法与其他的想法?

5.We'd also have to see how easy-to-use and well-designed the app is versus the paper form.我们还必需了解和纸质表格相比应用程序是否容易使用并且设计合理。

6."Cultural issues may plague the integration of the old U. S. investment bank mentapty versus the Japanese banking mindset, " he said.“老牌美国投资银行心态与日本银行业观念进行整合时,文化问题或许会形成重大阻碍,”他称。

7."Simpler seems to be a new trend, " he said, pointing to iOS versus MacOS, chat versus email.“更简洁看来会成为新趋势,”他说,并对比了iOS和MacOS,chat和email。

8."It's very tough to roll out a vehicle of any kind with such a significant price premium versus an incumbent, " he said.“要推出任何一种比现有车型贵很多的汽车,都将十分困难,”凯文·施说。

9.He said he wishes now that he had bought the currency versus the euro, too.他说,现在真希望自己原先买进的是挪威克朗而不是欧元就好了。

10.Review your current portfopo allocation to see what percentage of your assets is domestic versus international.检查一下你目前的投资组合分配,看看你的资产里国内投资和国外投资的比例是多大。