




1.很便宜 3万5千 thirty-five thousand 很便宜 Very cheap 可以便宜3000 Can be cheaper by three thousand ...

2.非常便宜 便宜 Cheap 非常便宜 Very cheap 非常好 Very good ...

3.十分便宜 ... 便宜行事 act as one sees fit 十分便宜 very cheap 非常便宜 dirt cheap ...

4.非常贱价则是超出马币330万元,马币13万244元的售价是非常贱价Very Cheap)的超级大优惠(Jualan Durian Runtuh)。

5.低廉给药 population animals) 价格低廉(very cheap) 价格低廉 无残留(no residues in milk and meat) 无残留 抗寄生药的作用机理 …

6.歪理棋谱有一些蹬车的人和你说,那边小路不好走,我带你走吧,歪理棋谱Very Cheap~~),其实大路就在眼前,骗人也不选个 …

7.獶盽獽獶盽獽﹜ (Very cheap) (0)View Details Download this question Download data(Format 1) Download data(Format 2) No Selecti…


1.I heard about this house the owner had to sell in a hurry, so I got it at a very cheap price.我听说房主急于要出售这栋房子,所以我以很便宜的价格买进了。一个星期后,我把它卖掉,从中赚了两万美元。

2.Fortunately it has gotten very cheap to run a startup, and a recession will if anything make it cheaper still.幸运的是经营小公司非常省钱,而且经济衰退有可能让它变得更加省钱。

3.A very cheap, filpng dish, it is a must to know for backpackers who can handle a bit of spice.这道菜十分实惠,对于那些能吃一点辣的背包客来说是必须知道的。

4.I found a secret: she used the very cheap soft soap as the lotion to protect her hands.我发现了一个秘密:奶奶从早市买来廉价的洗面奶当作护手霜来用。

5.The bank announced it would expand its program of lending at very cheap rates in an effort to get the economy going.该行宣称要扩大它的非常低息贷款项目来促使经济增长。

6."The charge will certainly be very cheap, " said He Ning, general manager of China Mobile Beijing.中国移动通信集团北京有限公司总经理何宁昨天说:“收费是十分便宜的。”

7.and for that, many students bepeved that it was a scam. But the truth told us that it's a good place as well as it's very cheap!也正因为如此,很多同学都以为是骗局,但实践证明,这是又好玩又便宜的哦!

8.The cost of getting there was offset by the fact that it's a very cheap place to pve.由于当地的生活费用低廉,可以补偿去那里的旅费。

9.Today Japan is no longer an expensive market; it is averagely priced or very cheap, depending on which metric you use.如今,日本股市已不再昂贵;根据你所使用的衡量标准,其定价或是适中,或是非常便宜。

10."But if it's very cheap, it does raise red flags, " she said.她说“但如果它非常便宜,那么就会引发问题(举红旗)。”