




1.伟士牌 ... 巴黎艺术壁贴─日式园艺( Japanese garden) 巴黎艺术壁贴─复古伟士牌( Vespa) 巴黎艺术壁贴─迷你奥斯丁( …



1.That quickly becomes clear if you try to make an appointment with him. Or happen to spot him zipping around New York City on his Vespa.如果你试着跟他做个会晤或者恰好看到他骑着黄蜂摩托车在纽约城一闪而过,就会很快了解这一点。

2.Well, why not give the Vespa a reward for its hard work and take it for a couple of weeks to the land of its ancestors?我何不奖励一下我那辛苦工作的“Vespa”,把它带到它的故乡去玩上几个星期呢?

3.I've always wanted a motorcycle, and I thought a Vespa was a good first step.很久以来我一直想要辆摩托车,黄蜂小型摩托车是个不错的初始性选择。

4.Summer promotion from Coca-Cola, with a twist. Navigate the site using a Vespa Scooter.从夏季促销可口可乐,有点变化。浏览网站使用胡蜂踏板车。

5.Either way the retro stypngs of the Vespa motorcycle's handlebars and headpghts definitely give these lamps a unique look.无论怎样,Vespa摩托车的车把和前灯的复古设计确实让这些灯看起来与众不同。

6.The risk assessment of Vespa velutina, the Asian hornet, makes terrifying reading.关于绒毛黄蜂的危险评估,亚洲黄蜂是最恐怖的。

7.To explore the city, you can rent a Vespa, bikeboards, or the original Piaggio Ape Calessino and a picnic basket.若要游览城市风景,您可以租一辆轻便摩托车、一脚蹬脚踏车或者一辆三轮车和一个野餐篮子。

8.In the morning, I usually walk to work or take my Vespa.早晨我通常步行或者骑着我的黄蜂小型摩托车去上班。

9.cash your ira , i hock my vespa .你从你的退休帐户上提钱我把我的摩托车当掉。

10.Oh, my god, a vespa!天那黄蜂小摩托!