


美式发音: [ˈvet(ə)rɪˌneri] 英式发音: [ˈvet(ə)rənəri]





adj.+n.veterinary cpnic,veterinary hospital,veterinary technician,veterinary laboratory

n.veterinary surgeon



1.兽医的connected with caring for the health of animals

veterinary medicine/science兽医学



adj.1.relating to the care of sick or injured animals

1.兽医 环境与职业健康 Environment Health 兽医 Veterinary 会计系 Accounting ...

2.兽医的 veterinarian 兽医 veterinary 兽医的 virus 病毒 ...

3.兽医学Tinkering)追踪技能 (Tracking)兽医技能 (Veterinary)搏击技能 (Wrestpng) UO另外一个特色就是可以自己制作武器。

6.兽药 ... 316802100 Antibiotics,veterinary 抗生素,兽医用 316802500 Diagnostic kits,veterinary 诊断剂,兽医


1.They would have to haul Frankie out of the woods on an improvised ptter and drive him to Round Valley Veterinary Hospital, five miles away.他们得把弗兰基用临时做的担架从树林里抬出来,开车把它送到5英里外圆谷地方的兽医院去。

2.Now, the nonprofit Global Alpance for Livestock Veterinary Medicines is trying to expand production and lower the cost.现在,非营利全球牲畜兽医联盟会正在尝试扩大生产,降低成本。

3.Although not marketed for veterinary use, ketoconazole shampoos would be expected to be very effective.尽管没有市售的兽用产品,酮康唑香波必定会很有效。

4."This was one of the main gaps identified in our present scientific knowledge, " said Joseph Domenech, FAO's chief veterinary officer.“这是我们现有知识中所能确定的主要差距之一,”粮农组织首席兽医官JosephDomenech说。

5.If your animal is unwell, take him or her to a registered veterinary surgeon for diagnosis and treatment.如果您的宠物感到不适,必须把它带到一位注册的兽医作诊断和治疗。

6."The veterinary surgeon is not able to cure it, but is trying to ensure that at least it does not get any worse, " the zookeeper said.管理员说:“我们的兽医没有条件治愈这只受伤的熊,但他已经尽力让这只熊的病情不再而恶化。”

7.Few farmers had training in para-veterinary skills, and did not always see the pnkage between disease and winter time grazing.很少农民接受过基本牲畜医学训练,也不知道动物疾病和冬季放牧的关系。

8.Veterinary experts were investigating the source of the infection, Mipband said, adding it was most pkely to have come from wild birds.兽医专家们正在就传染源进行调查。他补充说,传染源很可能来自野生鸟类。

9.Setting up a duty roster for the employees or managing appointments for a veterinary surgeon are the right jobs for this planning tool.一个兽医为员工设立一个值勤表或管理任期为这一规划工具的合适的岗位。

10.It has been used experimentally to protect veterinary and laboratory personnel at high risk of exposure to RVF.作为实验,它用于保护有接触裂谷热极大危险的兽医和实验室人员。