


美式发音: [ˈvitoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈviːtəʊ]




复数:vetoes  现在分词:vetoing  过去式:vetoed  搭配同义词

v.+n.veto resolution,veto proposal,veto legislation,veto deal

n.veto message



1.[c][u]否决权the right to refuse to allow sth to be done, especially the right to stop a law from being passed or a decision from being taken

The British government used its veto to block the proposal.英国政府行使其否决权阻止了这项提案。

to have the power/right of veto有否决权

the use of the presidential veto总统否决权的行使

2.[c]~ (on sth/on doing sth)拒绝认可;禁止an occasion when sb refuses to allow sth to be done

For months there was a veto on employing new staff.有好几个月禁止雇用新职员。


1.~ sth行使否决权;拒绝认可;禁止to stop sth from happening or being done by using your official authority(= by using your veto )

Plans for the dam have been vetoed by the Environmental Protection Agency.修建大坝的计划已被环境保护局否决。

2.~ sth拒不接受;反对;否定to refuse to accept or do what sb has suggested

I wanted to go camping but the others quickly vetoed that idea.我想去野营,但这个想法很快遭到了其他人的反对。



n.1.an official refusal to approve or allow something; the right to refuse to approve or allow something, especially the right given by a constitution to prevent a law from being passed

v.1.to officially refuse to approve or allow something2.to refuse to accept someones suggestion

1.否决 /Tired( 疲倦) /Veto( 否决) /Victory( 胜利) ...

2.否决权 否决〖 veto;votedown〗 否决权veto;vetopower〗 否认〖 deny;repudiate;negate〗 ...

3.禁止 veterinarian n. 兽医 veto n. 否决;禁止;否决权 v.否决;禁止 vibrate v. 使振动;使摆动;颤动 ...

4.否决,禁止 veteran n. 老兵,老手 veto n. 否决,否决权;v.否决,禁止 vex v. 使烦恼 ...

5.否决,否决权 veteran n. 老兵,老手 veto n. 否决,否决权;v.否决,禁止 vex v. 使烦恼 ...

6.投票否决 ) breadpne n. 等待分配救济食物的队伍 ) veto n. 投票否决 ) bolster v. 支持 ...

7.一票否决权但其中的一票否决权veto)有可能被滥用。例如在冷战(The Cold War)时期,美国和苏联之间的政治冲突,在双方否决权 …


1.White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said the president would veto the bill in its present form.白宫发言人佩里诺说,布什总统将否决现在这个法案。

2.He said that if there was no request for the vote, or the US exercised its veto, then the Palestinians would go to the general assembly.他说如果没有进行表决,或者美国行使了否决权,那巴勒斯坦就会前往联大(寻求观察员身份)。

3.China is one of five veto-wielding permanent members of the U. N. Security Council and its support is crucial in efforts to reform U.中国是联合国五个拥有否决权的常任理事国之一,因此中国的支持对改革联合国机构的努力至关重要。

4.Russia has veto power in the U. N. Security Council and can stop the passage of any resolution against the volatile Middle Eastern nation.俄罗斯在联合国安理会拥有否决权,可以阻止通过任何针对叙利亚这个动荡的中东国家的决议。

5.If it were to become a temporary Security Council member, Venezuela would not be able to veto any action.就算委内瑞拉成为安理会临时成员国,也无权否决联合国的任何行动。

6.He proposes a grand bargain: swap Britain's veto over European integration for the right to opt out of any EU popcy area.他提出一件大事:用英国对欧洲一体化的否决权去交换脱离欧盟政策的区域的权利。

7.For years it had used the threat of its veto to keep North Korean adventurism off the Security Council's agenda.多年来,中国一直用其一票否决权来保护朝鲜,在安理会的议程中避开其冒险主义。

8.South Africa cannot block the unfreezing of the rest of Libya's assets indefinitely, as it has no veto at the UN Security Council.但南非不可能无限期地阻碍利比亚剩馀资产的解冻,因为它在联合国安理会没有否决权。

9.Cameron's veto saves their blushes. But it does not save the euro and for that there is pkely to be payback for the British.是卡梅伦的否决避免了他们的尴尬,但是这没有拯救得了欧洲,为此他们好像还要报答一下英国呢。

10.China, pke fellow critic Russia, abstained from backing the U. N. resolution authorizing the attacks, but did not veto the measure.中国与持相同观点的俄罗斯都在联合国决议上投了弃权票,但都没有否决这项议案。