



美式发音: [ˈvitoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈviːtəʊ]




复数:vetoes  现在分词:vetoing  过去式:vetoed  搭配同义词

v.+n.veto resolution,veto proposal,veto legislation,veto deal

n.veto message



1.[c][u]否决权the right to refuse to allow sth to be done, especially the right to stop a law from being passed or a decision from being taken

The British government used its veto to block the proposal.英国政府行使其否决权阻止了这项提案。

to have the power/right of veto有否决权

the use of the presidential veto总统否决权的行使

2.[c]~ (on sth/on doing sth)拒绝认可;禁止an occasion when sb refuses to allow sth to be done

For months there was a veto on employing new staff.有好几个月禁止雇用新职员。


1.~ sth行使否决权;拒绝认可;禁止to stop sth from happening or being done by using your official authority(= by using your veto )

Plans for the dam have been vetoed by the Environmental Protection Agency.修建大坝的计划已被环境保护局否决。

2.~ sth拒不接受;反对;否定to refuse to accept or do what sb has suggested

I wanted to go camping but the others quickly vetoed that idea.我想去野营,但这个想法很快遭到了其他人的反对。



n.1.an official refusal to approve or allow something; the right to refuse to approve or allow something, especially the right given by a constitution to prevent a law from being passed

v.1.to officially refuse to approve or allow something2.to refuse to accept someones suggestion

1.否决 ... )excluded 排斥, )vetoed 否决。 )discern 辨认,识别; ...

2.被否决的 ... 被否决的 = overruled 被否决的 = vetoed 被吮的 = sucked ...



1.He did not approve the plans as proposed by Clay. Tyler vetoed two bills calling for the creation of a national bank.但泰勒很快就向克莱表现出了他的独立性,他没有批准由克莱提出的建议,他两次否决了要求建立国家银行的法案。

2.The first time I vetoed the Republican welfare reform proposal, it had been a part of their budget.我第一次否决福利改革法案时,也正巧是共和党预算案的一部分。

3.There was an enormous row in the 1960s, when Charles De Gaulle's France vetoed British entry, which eventually took place in 1973.上世纪六十年代,在夏尔·戴高乐领导下的法国否决英国加入(欧洲经济共同体)的要求引发了大规模的骚动,最终,英国在1973年加入了。

4.But the president did not agree. He said this second bill would also be vetoed unless changes were made in it.但总统仍然不同意,他说,如果这第二部法案不进行修改的话,他仍将否决。

5.But the opposition Democratic Party (PD) vetoed the plan, so the new government has no political figures at all.但是反对派民主党否决了这个计划,因此新政府将没有政治人物。

6.When it got to the White House, President Tyler vetoed it.当这项法案送到白宫等候总统签署时,泰勒总统否决了此法案。

7.He would not accept Tyler's "exchequer system, " and Tyler vetoed Clay's bill to establish a National Bank with branches in several states.克雷不接受泰勒的“国库体系”,而泰勒也对克雷的建立国家银行并在各州建立支行的法案进行了否决。

8.But it also fuelled resentment at the bank and in 1832 President Andrew Jackson vetoed the renewal of its charter.但这愈发激起银行怨恨不满的情绪。1832年安德鲁.杰克逊总统否决了第二央行的特许执照。

9.So it will never get through the Senate, and if it did, it would be vetoed by Mr Obama.所以该议案定遭参议院否决,如果确实通过,那奥巴马总统也会否决该议案。

10.Really an about face since they vetoed the last resolution against Syria, along with Russia . Those two usually side with Iran as well.在他们和俄罗斯一起否决上一份制裁叙利亚的决议后,中国真的完全变卦了。他们俩总是站在伊朗那边。