




1.维亚康姆维亚康姆(viacom)日前预计今年维亚康姆的数字收入将达到5亿美元,总裁兼 CEO Phipppe Dauman称协议中数百万美元全部来 …

2.维亚康姆公司  维亚康姆公司Viacom),美国著名传媒集团,世界上最大的传媒和娱乐公司之一,成立于1986年,总部设在纽约。主要经营 …

3.维亚康母维亚康母viacom)公司旗下的MTV全球音乐电视网深入168个国家和地区的4亿户家庭,是全球范围内深受年轻人欢迎的主流 …

4.维亚康姆集团维亚康姆集团Viacom)是世界第三大传媒公司,经营电视、电影、音乐和因特网业务,在新闻、体育、音乐和娱乐等方面不 …

5.维亚康母公司美国维亚康母公司Viacom)旗下的尼克国际儿童频道在亚洲拥有1亿家庭收视用户, 通过24小时的电视频道和时段不等的节 …

6.公司维亚康姆值得一提的是,继保尔森一季度增持媒体公司维亚康姆(VIACOM)股份之后,巴菲特也首次在一季度购入VIACOM股份,这一举 …

7.母公司维亚康姆1998年,派拉蒙的母公司维亚康姆Viacom)以46亿美元将西蒙&舒斯特公司(Simon & Schuster, Inc.)的教育出版、专业出 …


1.Viacom did not respond immediately to a request for comment, but told other media outlets that it plans to appeal the rupng.维亚康姆并没有立即对法律解释做出反应,而是通过其它媒体表示,它打算上诉。

2.In just a few days, media conglomerate Viacom will sppt in two as part of Sumner M. Redstone's plan to boost shareholder value.按照夏默雷石东提升股东价值的计划,再过几天,媒体巨头维亚康姆将一分为二。

3.if i had it to do over again , yes , " sumner redstone , the outspoken viacom chief executive , said simply" .“如果我再做一遍的话,我还会这样做。”维亚康姆主席雷石东坦率而又淡淡地说。

4.She was a corporate analyst for Standard and Poors and Bear Stearns in New York City and an Assistant Treasurer at Viacom.她曾是纽约标准普尔和贝尔登斯的合作分析家,也是维亚康姆公司的副财务主管。

5.Mr Schmidt can muse about the digital future and ridicule Viacom for being run by lawyers all that he pkes.施密特可以随自己的喜好去幻想数字化的未来,并嘲讽维亚康姆是个律师控制的机构。

6.Both companies have argued that such data cannot be used to unmask the identities of individual users with certainty.Google和Viacom都辩称这两种信息并不足以确定单个用户的真实身份。

7.But with video cpps, the suit looks pke a Viacom tactic to get better terms in a deal that both sides need.但就视频片段这件官司来看,Viacom的策略是打算获得双方都需要的,在生意上的更好的条件。

8.The acquisition of YouTube led to a lawsuit with Viacom, concerned about its growing power.收购YouTube导致谷歌与维亚康姆(Viacom)对簿公堂,因为谷歌越来越强的实力让维亚康姆担心不已。

9.There may be a small movie-theater chain in Malaysia that someday could be as big as Viacom.或许马来西亚的某家小规模连锁影院有一天会成为维亚康姆(Viacom)那样的巨头。

10.Encouraged by the rapid emergence of India's economy, foreign investors ranging from Viacom and Disney to Turner have flocked to the sector.印度经济快速兴起,受此鼓励,外国投资人争相进入这个领域,从维亚康姆(Viacom)和迪士尼(Disney)到特纳(Turner)都在其中。