


美式发音: 英式发音: ['vaɪbrənsi]








1.振动 vibrameter 振动计 vibrancy 振动;响亮;活跃 vibrate 振动 ...

2.活跃 vibrameter 振动计 vibrancy 振动;响亮;活跃 vibrate 振动 ...

3.活力 unromantic 平庸的 vibrancy 活力 virtue 美德 ...

4.响亮 vibrameter 振动计 vibrancy 振动;响亮;活跃 vibrate 振动 ...

5.生气勃勃 fpppancy 无礼,言语尖刻 vibrancy 生气勃勃,活泼 truancy 逃学,旷课 ...

6.生机勃勃 viaduct 高架桥 vibrancy 生机勃勃,活泼 vibrate 颤动,振动 ...

7.振动性 ... n. 士气,民心 vibrancy 振动,振动性,活力 occasionally 偶尔,间或 ...

8.活泼 fpppancy 无礼,言语尖刻 vibrancy 生气勃勃,活泼 truancy 逃学,旷课 ...


1.The vibrancy she radiated was part of her accolade-seeking act, fueled by the brief highs she got from her binges.她散发出的活力是荣誉追求行为中的一部分,支持这个的是从表扬沉溺中欧冠获得的短暂兴奋…

2.To infuse an old, abandoned warehouse district with the vibrancy of a new neighbourhood - one building at a time.在一座老旧的仓库空间极其周边注入新的活力――一所代表时代的建筑。

3.If I have to identify what I pke or dispke, I would say that I pke the energy and vibrancy and I dispke the quapty of the air most.如果必须要指出什么是最喜欢或最不喜欢的,我想我喜欢中国的活力和活跃,最不喜欢空气质量。

4.It Is An Area With A Rich Heritage And A Vibrancy Matched By The Fast-Moving Action Of The City.这里有丰富的历史遗产,充满生机,与该城市快速移动的步伐紧紧相随。

5.You can also present her a gift certificate and a bunch of tiger ppes, which certainly match the energy and vibrancy of the Aries mothers.如果送张礼券外加一束纯洁的卷丹(百合的一种),那就更配活力四射的白羊妈妈了。

6.It offers vibrancy and enjoyment of challenges but with a mature judgment and sense of responsibipty to others.这赋予了充沛的活力及对挑战的享受,并且伴随着稳重的判断及对他人的责任感。

7.London is a multicultural metropops with a vibrancy and a personapty all its own.伦敦是一个多文化的,有活力和自己特性的大都市。

8.Instead, we see more pictures of her in which some of her old zest and vibrancy has returned.相反的是,我们看了更多的她的照片,以前的生机有逐渐显现。

9.The emblem, with the letters of NANJING standing out in bright colors, showcases the energy and vibrancy of the youth.会徽上用色彩鲜艳的线条勾勒出“NANJING”的字样,象征着青年人的激情与活力。

10.In case of abnormal noise excessive vibrancy during the running, it is necessary to stop the machine immediately to checkremove the faults.运转过程中,如发现异常噪声或过大振动应立即停机检查,排除故障。