




1.维克 Venus - 张苡溦 Vick - 张祖诚 Vicky Zhou - 赵薇 ...

3.威克 一号 AAA 5-26 法国大兵 Vick 法国大兵 Vick 5-26 ...

6.灵 ... 李吉汉《万年烽火》: Nai Kong 张祖诚《》: Vick 《准时收听》: MC KIT /MC BEE ...

7.晓飞许可证:浙B2-20090120我很丑温柔还有用吗晓飞(Vick),我很丑温柔还有用吗下载,我很丑温柔还有用吗歌词,我很丑温柔还有 …

8.必败的决心谢谢阿曼达那麽我就抱著必败的决心(Vick)谢谢你罗^^(师公翔) 请问那瓶VOGA的酒要哪里买呢?(师公翔) 更多回应 ◀ 2013 ▶ ◀ …


1.Michael Vick, one of our great gladiatorial football competitors, recently admitted to sponsoring brutal dogfights.我们有位了不起的美式足球斗士迈克尔•维克最近承认支持过斗狗。

2.Vick pleaded guilty to the federal charges and is scheduled to be sentenced December 10th. He could face five years in prison.维克承认了同盟斗狗的罪行﹐并预订于12月10日判决﹐他将面临五年的监狱生活。

3.Vick was an all-star quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons when his legal troubles began.在威克开始违法的时候﹐他是亚特兰大猎鹰橄榄球队的四分卫明星球员。

4.Atlanta Falcons player Michael Vick pleaded not guilty to federal dogfighting charges and was released without bond until a November trial.亚特兰大猎鹰队队员迈克尔•维克否认了联邦对其的斗狗指控并且在十一月份的审判前被无罪释放。

5.The Philadelphia Eagles have made Michael Vick one of the NFL's highest-paid players.费城老鹰队使得迈克尔*维克成为了美国足球联盟里年薪最高的球员之一。

6.A defendant who pled guilty in the case has agreed to speak against Vick in court in return for a lesser sentence.一位在这宗案件中有犯罪嫌疑的被告同意出庭作证,指控维克,以获轻判。

7.Vick faces up to five years in prison and a $250, 000 fine.这样一来,维克将面临5年监禁以及250,000美元的罚款。

8.His lawyer says Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick will plead guilty to federal dogfighting conspiracy charges.亚特兰大猎鹰队四分卫迈克维克的律师称,维克将承认联邦检察院对其提起的合谋斗狗指控。

9.Vick told the judge he's optimistic about playing pro football, but the judge said there is no guarantee the league will reinstate him.维克告诉法官他对玩足球保持乐观,但是法官说不保证联盟会重新雇用他。

10.His lawyer says Atlanta Falcon's quarterback Michael Vick will plead guilty to Federal Dogfighting Conspiracy Charges.亚特兰大鹰队的四分卫迈克尔VICK的律师称迈克尔将对其斗狗的指控服罪。