




1.威代尔加拿大克莱姆斯 …

5.威达尔  - 威达尔Vidal):加拿大冰酒采用最多的品种,果皮厚,香气浓郁,它是白于尼(Ugni-Blanc)和赛伯拉(Seyval Blanc)的 …

6.维岱尔  酿造加拿大冰酒的维岱尔(Vidal )白葡萄,在优雅和耐久上稍逊,而以年轻奔放的香气见长。比如来自安大略省圣卡瑟斯地区的 …

7.威代尔葡萄  经过风雪历练的威代尔葡萄Vidal),此时已由绿色变成褐色,曾经饱满的果粒也被风干浓缩。一心探寻珍稀佳酿的人们冒着 …


1.l don't know how much you know about Vidal Sassoon, but that shit ain't cheap.我不知你对沙宣了解多少不过那玩意可不便宜

2.Although the $278 milpon contract has not yet been signed by the two countries, Vidal insisted the deal was ready to go.尽管两国尚未签订这项达2.7亿美元的合同,但Vidal表示交易已经进行。

3.BP's rig disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is only unusual for being so near the United States, writes John Vidal.约翰·维达指出,这次BP公司在墨西哥湾发生的石油泄漏事故,唯一的特殊之处就是离美国很近。

4.Marguerite had a marvelous portrait of herself, by Vidal, the only man whose pencil could do her justice.玛格丽特有一张非常好的肖像,是维达尔画的,只有他的笔能把她画得正确。

5.Contreras-Vidal also hopes to integrate sensory feedback into the system to optimize the user's control over the device.孔特雷拉斯.维达尔还希望把感觉回馈集成到系统里边,帮助用户更好的控制辅助设备。

6."We hope to show that a person with a stroke or an amputee would be able to control an assistive device, " Contreras-Vidal says.“我们希望证明,中风或者截肢的人将能够控制辅助设备。”孔特雷拉斯.维达尔说。

7.As Gore Vidal, the connoisseur of American poptics, has repeatedly pointed out, big business is decisive in American poptical decisions.正如研究美国政治的专家戈尔·维达反复指出的那样,大企业对美国政治决策有决定性的影响。

8.His study of corruption and cynicism, plunder and desperation, impressed John Vidal.他对其中的腐败和可鄙、掠夺和疯狂的深刻描绘,令约翰•维达深受触动。

9.Once again, Vidal was there to claim that the U. S. government saw it coming all along.再一次地,威达尔宣称所有这些都是美国政府引发的。

10.Abu Dhabi's planned zero-carbon "ecotopia" is a world away from the skyscrapers that dominate the Gulf region, writes John Vidal .在摩天大楼林立的海湾地区,阿布扎比规划中的零碳“生态理想城”仿佛是在另一个世界里,约翰•维达写道。