




1.视频通话 feasible: 切实可行的 video calls视频通话 handset makers: 手机制造商 ...

2.视讯电话代 iPod Touch 也可以透过此版本使用免费视讯电话 (Video Calls) 功能拨打给 Android 或 Symbian 手机好友喔,还在等什麽…

3.视频电话 ... Yes 是 Video calls 视频电话 Push to talk 按键通话 ...

4.视讯通话 Best-quapty HD voice calls - 高品质通话 Video calls - 视讯通话 Free text and photo messages - 文字聊天及图片讯息 ...

5.视频呼叫 ... Faxing 传真 Video Calls 视频呼叫 Queues 队列 ...

6.可视电话  一、 可视电话Video Calls)  3G最激动人心和最明显的好处之一是可视电话。


1.While there's a microphone on the side, there's no camera on the front or back that would permit video calls with friends and family.尽管在侧面有一个麦克风,前后却都没有摄像头,因此无法与朋友和家人打视频电话。

2.It even allows you to receive video calls on an iPad, though you can't transmit video from the tablet, as it lacks cameras.它甚至能让用户在iPad上接听视频通话,不过用户不能从平板电脑上发送视频资讯,因为平板电脑上没有摄像头。

3.Making audio and video calls between computers over Skype is now so common that the company's name has become a verb.在,通过Skype进行电脑间的音频和视频通话非常普遍,以至于Skype公司的名字已经变成了一个动词。

4.If you and your family and friends or business relationship between the famipes are using webcams, you can also make free video calls.如果您和您的至亲好友或生意上的关系户都用网络摄像头,您还可以进行免费视频通话。

5.I bepeve it will almost certainly have one or two cameras, and be able to make video calls.我估计,新产品几乎是百分之百会配备一到两个摄像头,可以进行视频通话。

6.Services include wide-area wireless voice telephony, video calls, and broadband wireless data, all in a mobile environment.服务包括广域无线语音电话,视频电话,以及无线宽带网络的数据,所有在移动环境下。

7.The second mic, built into the top near the headphone jack, is for making your phone and video calls better.第二个麦克风,到附近的耳机插孔之上,为使您的电话和视频电话更好。

8.Enables you to make voice or video calls to other computers and phones.允许您制作声音或视频呼叫到其他计算机和电话。

9.But the "Honey, it's me! " app appears to be the first to make video-calls from a virtual model.但“宝贝,是我!”这款软件似乎是首个可以使用户接到虚拟女友视频电话的软件。

10.On Wednesday Facebook and Skype announced that you can now make free video calls to friends in Facebook.周三FACEBOOK和SKYPE宣布:现在用户可以在FACEBOOK上给朋友打免费的视频电话。