


美式发音: [ˈvaɪkɪŋ] 英式发音: ['vaɪkɪŋ]






n.1.one of the people from Scandinavia who traveled in ships and attacked places in Northern and Western Europe in the Middle Ages

1.维京人的朋友都会记得,当年头戴大牛角铁帽,手舞大刀长剑的维京人(Vikings)老祖宗是如何威风地驾著船头船尾均翘得高高的大木 …

2.维京传奇《维京传奇》(VIKINGS)是由MGM开发的一部海盗剧集, 该剧描述了维京人鼎盛时期的故事, 他们在当时的北欧地区处于统治地 …

3.海盗历史上他们是海盗(Vikings)国家,英国人把他们统称为丹麦人(Danes)。公元八世纪开始,他们日渐强大起来,历史上名为“ …

4.北欧海盗我知道北欧海盗Vikings)和Monogopans就有他们自己的文明。 回答: 再说一次,他们的文明是多种多样的,取决于强盗自 …

5.维京海盗[Android] 维京海盗(Vikings) V1.61 安卓版 2013-01-17[游戏修改] 维京人:神域之战七项修改器 绿色版 2013-04-16 13.3 MB [单 …

6.明尼苏达维京人还好,上周对明尼苏达维京人Vikings)队的比赛,包装工队重整旗鼓,虽然维京人的明星跑锋 Adrian Peterson 还是频频突 …

7.维京人队2. 上周六(18日)感谢维京人队(Vikings)在太平国小主办小型的儿童4队友谊赛。北荣儿童部受 邀参加,派出U10、U12各一队。


1.According to a legend, Vikings were able to navigate in an ocean even during overcast (dull) weather using tourmapne crystals.传说海盗在海上即使是阴天也能用电气石导航。

2.Important: Put at one or two Vikings in the air directly over each pair of Bunkers as well.重要:把一个或两个海盗直接在空气中每一对掩体。

3.The weather also postponed to Monday an NFL football game that had been set for Sunday between the New York Giants and Minnesota Vikings.天气也推迟到周一足球赛已被定为星期日,纽约巨人队之间和明尼苏达维京人。

4.Later, Rover logo standing Vikings gradually give way to his head, but he still took the helmet.后来,Rover标志中站立的维京人逐渐让位于他的头像,不过他仍然带着头盔。

5.Breivik even criticizes European imperiapsm, which is something I thought the Vikings used to excel at back in the day.对于布雷维克所批判的欧洲帝国主义,我想这却曾经是维京人引以为豪的事情。

6.The Vikings who invaded England were called Danes, and those who invaded France were known as the Normans.侵略英格兰的斯堪的纳维亚人叫做丹麦人,侵略法国的则被称为诺曼人。

7.But they attack only one settlement at a time, so you can keep your mobile Vikings moving from hotspot to hotspot.但是他们进攻,唯一的解决,那么你可以让你的手机移动,从北欧热点研究热点。

8.From Scandinavian Vikings pillaging British shores to African, Indian and Polynesian tribes, the same trend was seen around the world.从斯堪的纳维亚北欧海盗掠夺英国海岸到非洲、印度和波利尼西亚部落,全世界都能看到这种倾向。

9.The Packers' coach has said Aaron Rodgers will be the starter. There's also talk of a possible trade to the Minnesota Vikings.包装工队教练说亚伦罗杰斯将担任首发球员,但也有消息说他可能与明尼苏达海盗队交换球员。

10.Ostrogoths, Vikings , and in a different way, intolerant masters of the Inquisition are no less - "European" than ancient Greeks.东哥特人、维京人,以及另一条道路上的“宗教裁判所”不宽容的主人们,相比于古希腊来说,也不是“欧洲味”更少。