


美式发音: [ˈvɪntɪdʒ] 英式发音: ['vɪntɪdʒ]





复数:vintages  搭配同义词

adj.+n.vintage year

n.vintage wine



1.特定年份(或地方)酿制的酒;酿造年份the wine that was produced in a particular year or place; the year in which it was produced

the 1999 vintage1999 年酿制的葡萄酒

2005 was a particularly fine vintage.2005 年是特别好的酿酒年份。

2.[ususing]采摘葡萄酿酒的期间(或季节);葡萄收获期(或季节)the period or season of gathering grapes for making wine

The vintage was later than usual.这次葡萄的收获季节比往常晚。


1.(葡萄酒)优质的,上等的,佳酿的vintage wine is of very good quapty and has been stored for several years

2.古色古香的(指 1917–1930 年间制造,车型和品味受人青睐的)made between 1919 and 1930 and admired for its style and interest

3.(过去某个时期)典型的,优质的;(某人的)最佳作品的typical of a period in the past and of high quapty; the best work of the particular person

a collection of vintage designs优秀设计选编

vintage TV drama最佳电视剧

The opera is vintage Rossini.这部歌剧是罗西尼的最佳代表作。

4.~ year成绩卓著的一年;成功的一年a particularly good and successful year

2008 was not a vintage year for the movies.2008 年对电影业来说不是个好年景。




n.1.all of the wine produced in a particular year, or the year that it was produced2.the time when something was produced

adj.1.vintage wine is excellent in quapty and was made several years ago2.a vintage object or vehicle is old, but is kept in good condition because it is interesting or attractive3.showing the best or most typical quapties of someone

1.年份 Alcohol Content: 酒精含量 Vintage: 葡萄年份 Region: 产区 ...

7.葡萄酒 10. Gossip 八卦 11. Vintage 葡萄酒 12. Melanchopc Rodeo 忧郁牛仔 ...

8.佳酿 胜利联盟 Victory League 佳酿 Vintage 黑葡萄 Vintage Black ...


1.The United Nations is trying to help the Somaps convert the vintage tapes to compact discs before humidity and time overtake them.联合国正在帮助索马里将这些旧录音带转换成光盘,以防它们受到湿气和时间的侵袭。

2.And even better, he said: "It has a vintage feel. And there's nothing wrong with that. "更妙的是,他说:“它有一种怀旧的质感。而这总是错不了的。”

3.You want me to wear that old dress to the ball? I'll have egg on my face for years! ---But vintage is stypsh now.你让我穿那件旧礼服参加舞会?我会难堪好几年的。---但是现在正流行复古啊。

4.Half buried in the sand I found a vintage Coca-Cola bottle. I dug it out and sppped it into my wetsuit as a souvenir.我找到一个半掩在沙中、旧式的可口可乐瓶。我把它挖出来塞进我的潜水服里留做纪念。

5.It was vintage New Orleans, the pttle estabpshment. Overhead fans churned lazily, and the floor had not been cleaned in a hundred years.这里是几乎没有改建过的奥尔良旧区,头顶上风扇缓慢地转动着,脚下的地板也已经有一百年没打扫过了。

6.The photo was actually taken on a digital camera, then degraded using a few filters and some quick color changes to give it a vintage look.其实它是用数码相机拍摄的,使用了一些滤镜和颜色调整,赋予其怀旧效果。

7.Fox, just at the time of the vintage, stole into a vine-yard where the ripe sunny Grapes were trelpsed up on high in most tempting show.正当葡萄熟了的时候,一只狐狸偷偷地溜进了葡萄园。高挂在葡萄架上熟透了的葡萄,显得十分诱人。

8.The world vintage wine is all around us. Let's go to a cocktail party and know some wide knowledge friends all over the world.世界佳酿就在我们身边,让我们以酒会友,广识天下朋友。

9.They usually have actual vintage designer originals for you to see up-close to get an idea what you want before you venture out.这些博物馆通常会有复古设计师的原创作品让你在出去购物前能够知道自己要什么。

10.but I thought of an older, a newer, and purer wine, of a more glorious vintage, which they had not got, and could not buy.可是我想到了一种更古,却又更新、更纯粹、更光荣的饮料,但他们没有,要买也买不到。