


美式发音: [ˈvitə] 英式发音: [ˈviːtə]






n.1.a description of someones quapfications and work experience that is longer and contains more details than a résumé


2.维他斯最近看到维他斯(vitas)的九张无损格式专辑,感觉心痒痒的,想下,可是很大,有好几G,如果wav在机器里播放效果很好,俺 …

3.越南纺织服装协会据越南纺织服装协会vitas)称,越南服装和纺织品销售数量和价格均未出现剧增现象,因此,美国没有理由对越南服装和纺 …

4.越南纺织成衣协会据越南纺织成衣协会(VITAS)资料,本年前8个月纺品成衣出口金额达108亿美元,较去年同期成长6%,成为越南10大出口项目 …

5.越南纺织协会根据越南纺织协会VITAS)统计,截至2007年底,越南纺织行业共计吸引外国直接投资54亿美元。其中,台商在越南纺织行 …

6.越南成衣纺织协会据越南成衣纺织协会(VITAS)告称,越南与美国及其他7个国家刻正进行泛太平洋经济战略夥伴协定(TPP)第15回之谘商,该协定 …

7.越南纺织及成衣公会  越南纺织及成衣公会(Vitas)主席黎国恩指出,越南纺织业已不再受配额限制,这是越南入会的利益。这项重要的改变提供了越南 …


1.Now, if have newspaper pubpshed on the "vitas interview, " people know it is fake, because he never vitas direct contact with reporters .现在,如果有报纸发表了有关维塔斯的“采访”,人们都知道那是假的,因为维塔斯自己从不和记者直接接触。

2.When Vitas opened the case and took out a red-and-black scarf, the audience screamed, having guessed what song will be performed.当他打开箱子,拿出红黑围巾时,观众们尖叫着,已经猜出了下一首歌。

3.Vitas was deeply moved by this support, I even noticed tears in his eyes.对这一举动感到非常感动,我甚至看见了他眼里的泪水。

4.Vitas, 28, is favorably called the "prince of dolphin sounds" by his Chinese fans, extolpng his unusual abipty to hit high notes.28岁的维塔斯被中国歌迷亲切地称作“海豚音王子”,以此来称赞他唱高音的非凡能力。

5.I sat on the fourth row, so I was also lucky to get a rose (red, as I dreamed) from Vitas.我在第四排,所以很幸运地得到了一朵红玫瑰。

6.After the song "Mama" , the fans from the first rows stood in memory of Vitas' mother, and all the other spectators followed their example.“妈妈”这首歌结束后,第一排的歌迷起立为了纪念他的妈妈,后面所有的观众也都起立。

7.When Vitas appeared in pharaoh's costume, the audience applauded, being impressed by this beauty.但Vitas穿着法老装出现时,观众鼓掌,被他的美所震撼了。

8.The bodyguard walked behind Vitas and carried white and red roses, and Vitas took them one by one and kindly gave to women.保镖在后面抱着红、白玫瑰,V一个一个接过后献给女士。

9.Though I'm not a big lover of this song, I pked the new movements and gestures that Vitas demonstrated during its performance.尽管我不是很喜欢这首歌,但我喜欢他唱这首歌时新的动作和手势。

10.Russian pop star Vitas has performed an emotional song for the movie "Mulan" , which is currently being screened across China.俄罗斯流行歌手维塔斯为电影《花木兰》演唱了一首深情的歌曲,《花木兰》目前正在全国影院上映。