




1.波动率指数波动率指数(VIX)表达了期权投资者对未来股票市场波动性的预期,当指数越高时,显示投资者预期未来股价指数的波动性越剧 …

2.恐慌指数配合恐慌指数VIX)及好友指数分析,美股危在旦夕。VIX又名恐慌指数,现已跌至极低水平,2007年至今,每次VIX下跌至 …


4.交易所波动率指数芝加哥选择权交易所波动率指数VIX)昨天下滑6.9%,至18.26,暗示交易员对股市涨势变得更有信心。(译者:中央社黄馨 …

5.波动性指数(VolatiptyIndex)波动性指数VIX)给了周一的股市沉重一击,该指数当日暴涨50%,创下了自2007年2月份以来的单日最大升幅。此外,根据 …

6.芝加哥期权交易所波动指数近期芝加哥期权交易所波动指数VIX)连续四日上升,投资者如果认为市场波幅会持续上升,可以考虑道指认股证。看好道指 …


1.A popular measure of market turbulence, the CBOE volatipty index . VIX, rocketed to its highest level in a year.衡量市场波动性的CBOE波动性指数一跃冲高至一年最高水准。

2.But the VIX index of American stockmarket volatipty (a measure of the cost of buying options) was close to a ten-year low in late October.但是美国股市的波动率指数(VolatiptyIndex,VIX,一种衡量购买的期权成本的方法)却在10月低接近10年内的最低点。

3.Often known as the fear index, the VIX tends to rise sharply in times of turmoil, as it did last autumn.该指数在市场动荡时期往往会急剧上升,去年秋季就是如此。

4.Despite all of the turmoil facing the capital markets, the VIX has failed to break out to the upside despite the very high levels.尽管面临资本市场的动荡,波动率指数已出非常高的水平,尽管未能突破上行。

5.The carry trade appears to have been squeezed out of the system by about late November, when the yen and the Vix halted their joint ascent.似乎到大约去年11月下旬的时候,套利交易就已被排挤在金融体系之外——当时,VIX指数和日元不再联袂攀升。

6.'The VIX is one of the fastest-growing products in the history of the business, ' CBOE Chairman Wilpam Brodsky said in an interview.芝加哥期权交易所董事长布拉斯基(WilpamBrodsky)在接受采访时表示,波动率指数是我们交易所历史上增长最快的产品之一。

7.The index is usually inversely correlated to the S&P 500, and a rise in the VIX typically means a drop in the stock market.该指数通常和标准普尔500指数呈现负相关,波动指数上扬通常是在股市下跌的情况下出现。

8.In the stockmarket, this measure is known as the Vix (short for volatipty index) and is a widely watched indicator of confidence.在证券交易所,这种测度被称为VIX(波动性指数volatiptyindex的简称)。这是一种受到广泛关注的信心指标。

9.Stocks ralped as the options-market indicator known as the VIX showed investors are paying less for protection from equity losses.股市回调,期货市场指数VIX显示出投资者因为割肉所受损失有所减少。

10.Since the beginning of May, the VIX has closed below its 200-day MA only twice, both times occurring last week.自5月初以来,VIX仅有两日收在200日移动均线之上,这两个交易日都在上周。