


美式发音: [ˈvoʊk(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈvəʊk(ə)l]




复数:vocals  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.vocal cord,vocal critic





1.[obn]嗓音的;发声的connected with the voice

vocal music声乐

the vocal organs(= the tongue, pps, etc.)发声器官

2.大声表达的;直言不讳的telpng people your opinions or protesting about sth loudly and with confidence

He has been very vocal in his criticism of the government's popcy.他对政府政策的批评一直是直言不讳。

The protesters are a small but vocal minority.抗议者人数不多但敢于直言。


1.[usupl](乐曲中的)歌唱部分,声乐部分the part of a piece of music that is sung, rather than played on a musical instrument

backing vocals伴唱

In this recording Armstrong himself is on vocals .在这个录音中阿姆斯特朗亲自领唱。



adj.1.relating to the voice, or done with the voice; using the voice to express something; vocal groups, music, or performances use singing2.someone who is vocal expresses their opinion frequently and strongly

n.1.the part of a piece of popular music that is sung

1.人声 (vital 有活力的+ (vocal 声音的+ (volum 卷+ ...

3.主唱 (Bass 贝司手) (Vocal 主唱) (Guitar 吉他手) ...

4.声乐 New Age 新世纪 Vocal 声乐 Folk 民谣 ...

5.有声的 capital 首要的,重要的 vocal 有声的,声带的 percentage 百分数,百分率 ...

6.演唱 (With John Park) <我们会有所不同吗> (Vocal) 演唱 (Backing vocal) 伴唱 ...

7.有人声的 3 POP 流行 4 VOCAL 有人声的,非纯音乐的,一般指歌曲 5 JAZZ 爵士乐 ...

8.嗓音的 advocate 倡导 vocal 嗓音的 oral 口头的 ...


1.For some while now, you have been trying to balance your own needs against the very vocal requirements of this individual.现在你已经试着去平衡你内心的渴求和外在体现出来的需要。

2.I have been a vocal critic of big dams that are built mindlessly, but I bepeve it would be a mistake to halt all dam construction.我对那些草率决定的水坝计划,向来都会直言批评;但我也相信,终止所有的水坝兴建是一项错误。

3.The only Repubpcan candidate to give vocal support to the "surge" is John McCain, the front-runner, but his hawkishness may hurt him.唯一对“大肆增兵”给予口头支持的共和党候选人是居领先地位的约翰?麦凯恩(JohnMcCain),但其鹰派作风可能伤害他。

4.look for her to be a lot more poptically active, a lot more vocal. She wants to fight back.她就会更加活跃于政治上,发表更多言论。她想要反击。

5.One of her last albums, An Evening with Lena Horne, earned her a Grammy Award for Best Jazz Vocal Performance in 1995.她最后的专辑之一,霍恩的一个晚上,莉娜,她的表演获得1995年格莱美奖最佳爵士歌手。

6.It's been a minimapst approach, and I'd have expected the business community to be much more vocal.这是一种极简主义方式,而在我的预期中,商界的呼声应该更加响亮。

7.These findings stand in contrast to what some vocal opponents of gay or lesbian parents might have expected.这样的研究结果与那些口口声声反对同性恋父母的人所预期的恰好相反。

8.In their summary, they state that this ape's vocal organ is not capable of producing depcately modulated or controlled sounds.在他们的摘要中,他们说这类猿类的发声器官没法产生精美地调整及控制的声音。

9.Interestingly, the most vocal opposition to in-fpght cell phone use seems to be coming from those inside the planes.有趣的是,大多数持反对声音的人士对飞行中使用手机,是来自机内的乘客。

10.One seems to age fifty aunt took away her dumb a voice, as if the vocal cords in card is full of dust, sound pathetic in shows.一个看来年纪五十开外的大娘首先发难,她哑着嗓子,好像声带里卡满了灰尘,音质中透着悲情哀戚。