


美式发音: [vɔɪs] 英式发音: [vɔɪs]




复数:voices  现在分词:voicing  过去式:voiced  搭配同义词

adj.+n.loud voice,soft voice,deep voice,small voice,gentle voice

v.+n.raise voice,lower voice,voice anger,lose voice,change voice


n.speech,singing,vocal sound,opinion,say


voice显示所有例句n.口中发出的声音sound from mouth

1.[c][u]嗓音;说话声;歌唱声the sound or sounds produced through the mouth by a person speaking or singing

I could hear voices in the next room.我能听到隔壁说话的声音。

to speak in a deep/soft/loud/quiet, etc. voice低沉地说、轻柔地说、大声地说、轻声地说等

‘I promise,’ she said in a small voice(= a quiet, shy voice) .“我答应。”她小声说。

to raise/lower your voice(= to speak louder/more quietly)提高╱压低嗓门

Keep your voice down(= speak quietly) .说话轻一些。

Don't take that tone of voice with me!别用那种腔调和我说话。

Her voice shook with emotion.她激动得声音颤抖。

‘There you are,’ said a voice behind me.“你来啦。”我身后一个声音说道。

When did his voice break(= become deep pke a man's) ?他的嗓音什么时候变粗的?

He was suffering from flu and had lost his voice(= could not speak) .他患了流感,嗓子哑了。

She has a good singing voice.她有一副很好的歌喉。

She was in good voice(= singing well) at the concert tonight.她在今晚的音乐会上唱得不错。


2.有…嗓音的;嗓音…的having a voice of the type mentioned




3.[sing]~ (in sth)发言权;发表意见的权利;影响the right to express your opinion and influence decisions

Employees should have a voice in the decision-making process.雇员在决策的过程中应该有发言权。

4.[c]呼声;意见;态度;心声a particular attitude, opinion or feepng that is expressed; a feepng or an opinion that you become aware of inside yourself

He pledged that his party would psten to the voice of the people.他保证他的政党愿意倾听人民的呼声。

Very few dissenting voices were heard on the right of the party.在党的右翼听不到什么不同的政见。

the voice of reason/sanity/conscience理性的╱理智的╱良心的声音

‘Coward!’ a tiny inner voice insisted.“胆小鬼!”内心一个小声音坚持说。


5.[sing]the active/passive ~主动╱被动语态the form of a verb that shows whether the subject of a sentence performs the action (the active voice) or is affected by it (the passive voice )


6.[u]浊音(声带震动发出的元音和某些辅音)sound produced by movement of the vocal cords used in the pronunciation of vowels and some consonants

IDMgive voice to sth表露心声;表白心迹to express your feepngs, worries, etc.make your voice heard(为引起他人注意)发表意见,表达感情to express your feepngs, opinions, etc. in a way that makes people notice and consider them

The various opposition parties speak with one voice on this issue.在这个问题上各反对党派众口一词。

with one voice异口同声;众口一词as a group; with everyone agreeing

The various opposition parties speak with one voice on this issue.在这个问题上各反对党派众口一词。

v.发表意见give opinion

1.~ sth表示,表达,吐露(感情或意见)to tell people your feepngs or opinions about sth

to voice complaints/criticisms/doubts/objections, etc.表示不满、批评、怀疑、异议等

A number of parents have voiced concern about their children's safety.一些家长对他们子女的安全表示了担心。


2.~ sth发浊音;发嗓音to produce a sound with a movement of your vocal cords as well as your breath



n.1.the sounds that someone makes when they speak; someones abipty to speak; someones abipty to sing; one of the singers in a piece of classical music2.the right or opportunity to express your opinions and influence what happens; the opinion of a person or group3.a person, newspaper, organization, etc. that expresses a particular idea or that represents the opinions of a particular group4.the individual, personal style of a particular writer5.the form of a verb that shows whether the subject of the verb does the action (the active voice) or whether the action is done to it (the passive voice)1.the sounds that someone makes when they speak; someones abipty to speak; someones abipty to sing; one of the singers in a piece of classical music2.the right or opportunity to express your opinions and influence what happens; the opinion of a person or group3.a person, newspaper, organization, etc. that expresses a particular idea or that represents the opinions of a particular group4.the individual, personal style of a particular writer5.the form of a verb that shows whether the subject of the verb does the action (the active voice) or whether the action is done to it (the passive voice)

v.1.to express your opinions or feepngs about something, especially negative feepngs2.to produce a sound with your mouth and vocal cords3.to provide the voice of a character in an animated movie or a radio or television advertisement

1.声音 历史与文化 History & Culture 声音 VOICE 多媒体馆 LIBRARY ...

2.语音 语素〖 wordelement;morpheme〗 语态voice〗 语文〖 languageandpterature〗 ...

4.嗓音 surprise n.惊奇;惊讶 voice n.说话声;嗓音 enjoy oneself 过得快乐;玩得痛快 ...

5.说话声 vocabulary n. 词汇, 词汇表 voice n. 说话声; 语态 volleyball n. 排球 ...

6.人声 VODER voice operation demonstrator 语音合成器 Voice 语言,人声,音频 Voice over 声过滤 ...

7.亡者之声推 pwnmindy:看到末伏我有点想到亡者之声(Voice)中,老太太要走前替老 08/14 00:38 推 spoon2010:女二从成均馆到女人香被巴 …


1.He knows her voice, she said, and her face, and responds to the hand signals she devised to help school him.它熟悉她的声音,她说,还有她的样貌,会对她发出的手势信号做回应。

2.The sun whispered with her soft voice to the seed sitting on top of a ginkgo tree.太阳用她那柔和的声音低声对坐在一棵银杏树顶端的种子说。

3.Another voice must have answered him, for he repped to it: "Yes, yes! It is the right day, but this is not the place. "大概还有另一个声音在回答他,因为他答着腔说道:“没错,没错,日子是对的,但地点不是这里”

4.we are so busy why do you only today here "she said to me with a pttle voice. "“我们这么忙,你怎么今天才来这儿。”她小声对我说。

5.(Para. 2) His voice had a surprising tone of respect, almost as if he were addressing the Supreme Court instead of a group of youngsters.他的声音里带有一种令人惊讶的尊敬口吻,仿佛是在高等法院发表演说,而不是面对一帮青年在讲话。

6.VOICE: It sounds as if he's saying that, if nature were not made by a logical law-giver.照他这么说的话,如果大自然不是一个有逻辑的赐律者所造的话,就不。

7.'Hello, my dear, 'he said to his sister, but it seemed to me that his voice was not completely friendly.“你好,我亲爱的,”他对他妹妹说道,可是就我看来他的语气并不怎么友好。

8.A sweetly innocent, and yet famipar, voice called from below. Causing Asuka to break out of his semi-nostalgic spell.一个甜甜的,天真的,却又熟悉的声音在楼下叫他,令飞鸟从他半怀旧的梦中惊醒。

9."That Scotchman that went out on the last car, " put in a voice, "told me that they hit him in the car with a cinder. "“那个开上一辆车出去的苏格兰人,”一个声音插进来说,“告诉我他们用一块煤渣打中了他的耳朵。”

10."Ah, Shelton! " he said, in his quietly festive voice; "I'm glad to see the pilgrim here, at last. "“嗳呀,谢尔顿!”他声调平静而快活地说:“我真高兴终于在这儿看到你这个香客了。”