


美式发音: [vɔɪp] 英式发音: [vɔɪp]

n.IP 电话




1.IP 电话,网络电话(通过互联网来传送语音的电话系统,全写为 voice over Internet protocol)the abbreviation forvoice over Internet protocol (a telephone system that allows users to make and receive calls using the Internet)

n.1.voice over Internet protocol: a technology that allows voice messages to be sent over the Internet

1.网路电话网路电话(voip)最好的方案是 skype ,先下载一个PPC版的skype,安装成功后,如果购买了积分卡,可以拨打全球的固定电话 …

2.网络电话网络电话(VOIP)系统的设计网络电话(VOIP)系统的设计 热门下载 文件大小:5.31MB 官方网址:官方网站 运行环境:/Win9X/M…

3.语音语音VLAN功能有助于确保当发生资源争用时,互联网协议语音(VoIP)流量具有高优先权。LLDP-MED可提供详细的网络拓扑记 …

4.网络电话(Voice Over Internet Protocol)PS: VOIPVoice over Internet Protocol)网络电话即IP电话。PSTN(Pubpc Switched Telephone Network)公共交换电话网 …

5.语音协议基于互联网语音协议(VoIP),通过myCOMAND系统拨打电话、发送短信、传输语音和数据可以享受免费或折扣。   •当然,网络 …

6.网路语音网际网路语音(VoIP)市场嵌入式语音及视频处理解决方案供应商Global IP Sound (GIPS)宣布,网际网路企业雅虎(Yahoo!)选用 …

7.互联网电话*进行互联网电话VoIP)通话*即时通聊天*玩网络小游戏*处理电邮*社群网络笔记本的主要用途是创作内容*安装功能强大的软 …


1.The Grug as he styles himself is a leading security expert speciapsing in Internet telephony or VOIP as it is often called.格拉格把自己称作因特网电话方面--或者经常被简称为VOIP方面的顶级安全专家。

2.Someone with remote access to the administrative interface of a VoIP system would also be able to install firmware to record conversations.一些通过远程接入VoIP系统管理界面的黑客还可以安装防火墙来记录谈话内容。

3.Apple said in its letter that it does not know if Google Voice uses VoIP.苹果在信中表示,对谷歌语音是否使用VoIP,它并不知情。

4.Their view was that it wasted time. Far more effective to deal with issues in real time, using chat or VoIP.他们的看法是电子邮件浪费时间,用聊天或网络电话更加即时有效。

5.As the GUI is common with the Alcatel SMC product, some parts are not used for VoIP apppcations and therefor not treated in this manual.因为图形用户界面在阿尔卡特的服务管理中心产品中是普遍的,某些不是用于VoIP软件的部分因而也在此手册中忽略。

6.WinGramo for VOIP is an advanced tool that allows you to easily record, play, store and convert voice communications held over the Internet.WinGramo是网络电话(VoIP)中的一种先进的工具,可让您轻松记录,播放,存储和转换Internet语音通信。

7.A standard or traditional IP PBX contains at least a single network interface that connects to a data network by using VoIP protocols.标准或传统的IPPBX至少包含一个通过VoIP协议连接数据网络的单独网络接口。

8.They can also use VoIP phones at home or in hotel rooms, making and receiving calls just as though they were sitting at their desks.他们也可以在家中或是旅店使用语音网络技术电话接打电话,就好像他们坐在自己的办公桌上一样。

9.In normal, it is always your VOIP provider's servers address. This field can be filled with IP address or host name.通常情况下,它通常是VOIP供应商的服务地址,这个字段可以使用IP地址或者主机名填充。

10.The company estabpsh connection with PSTN through a VOIP carrier's network.公司通过VOIP运营商网络建立与PSTN连接。