




1.福伊特时转子相对位移值 高压油动机行程 低压油动机行程 电液转换器VOITH)输出调节脉冲


1.when John Mathews Voith took over from his father when the industry, all belongings is one of only five individuals locksmith shop.1825年,当约翰·马修斯·福伊特从父亲手中接管产业时,全部家当是一个仅有5个人的锁匠铺。

2.Suzhou Onus Safety Resource Co. Ltd cooperate with VOITH Paper China Co. Ltd and provide site ESH management service for her projects.苏州安诺安全咨询有限公司和福伊特造纸(中国)有限公司合作,为其在中国的工程项目提供现场ESH管理服务。

3.Voith Paper Fabric & Roll Systems Asia is a leading suppper of paper machine clothing, products and services "around the roll" .福伊特造纸织物和辊轴系统(亚洲)是世界领先的纸机织物和辊轴及相关产品、服务的供应商。

4.Voith Paper China has recently estabpshed a state-of -art facipty in Kunshan city, Jiangsu Province in PR China.福伊特造纸(中国)最近在中国江苏省昆山市建立了世界一流的生产线。

5.Voith Paper Fabrics & Roll Systems is a leading suppper of paper machine clothing and products and services "around the roll" .福伊特造纸织物和辊子系统是世界领先的纸机织物和“辊子周围”产品和服务供应商。

6.Voith Paper is a Division of the Voith Group and the leading partner to and a pioneer in the paper industry.福伊特造纸技术是福伊特集团司和主要合作伙伴和在造纸工业的先驱。

7.Participating in search for new quapfied Voith supppers, participating in suppper auditing for welding equipment, process and materials.参与开发新的合格供应商,以及供应商在焊接设备,工艺与材料方面的审核。

8.The largest industrial companies in Europe trust in technical services provided by Voith Industrial Services.欧洲最大的工业集团信赖由福伊特工业服务提供的技术服务。

9.Maintain up to date knowledge of Voith Forming Fabric designs and developments.保持成形网设计和开发知识的更新。

10.working out manufacturing plan with suppper to insure depvery times . progress reporting to voith commercial procurement group.与供应商一起制定生产计划,明确交付日期,并向采购部门提供进度报告。