


美式发音: [vɑlˈkeɪnoʊ] 英式发音: [vɒlˈkeɪnəʊ]






1.火山a mountain with a large opening at the top through which gases and lava(= hot pquid rock) are forced out into the air, or have been in the past

An active volcano may erupt at any time.活火山会随时喷发。

a dormant volcano(= one that is not active at present)休眠火山

an extinct volcano(= one that is no longer active)死火山


n.1.a mountain that forces hot gas, rocks, ash, and lava melted rock into the air through a hole at the top. Some volcanoes are not immediately dangerous because they are not active and have become dormant. Others will never be dangerous again because they are completely extinct

1.火山 火色〖 propermoment;conditionoffire〗 火山volcano〗 火山灰〖 trass〗 ...

2.火山爆发 《U.S. Marshals》 绝命追杀令:就地正法 《Volcano火山爆发 《Batman Forever》 蝙蝠侠Ⅲ ...



5.火山爆发术 ... martial law 军事管制,戒严令 volcano adj. (似)火山的,来自火山的 erotic adj. 色 …

7.冰岛火山冰岛火山volcano)于当地时间2010年4月14日凌晨1时(北京时间9时)开始喷发。冰岛火山图片欣赏(20张)冰岛火山16日继 …


1.Sometimes when a volcano erupts, a very large wall of melted rock moves down the side of a mountain.有时当火山连续喷发,这是一个很庞大的墙上熔化岩石向下移动一座山侧面。

2.Many of the procedures we tried had never been used before on an active explosive volcano .我们采用的许多试验方法,过去还从未在一次活喷发火山地区用过。

3.The cloud was so dense that it seemed as if the sun were setting early. At least one person thought a volcano had erupted.阴云密布,就象太阳将提早要下山,有人居然以为是火山爆发了。

4.A brand new Canary island is emerging from the sea as an underwater volcano bubbles to the surface.随着海底火山冒向海平面,一个崭新的加那利岛正浮现出来。

5.Before the time of the League, the Chamber was the heart of a powerful, but now dormant, volcano.在联盟成立以前,这个议院的所在之处曾是一座强力(但现在处于休眠状态)火山的心脏部位。

6.The deep-sea eruption of the West Mata volcano is producing what are known as boninite lavas, bepeved to be among the hottest on Earth.西马塔火山深海火山喷发是生产什么被称为玻安岩熔岩,相信是地球上最热中。

7.Faced with her hesitation, he wrote : "Do not say that the cpff is the mouth of the volcano. We had no choice but to embrace the jumping. "面对她的犹豫,他写道:“不要说悬崖,就是火山口,我们也只好拥抱着跳下去。”

8.Crater Lake in southwestern Oregon of the United States was formed in a depression that covers the top of a dead volcano.美国俄勒冈西南边的火山口湖,是在一个地坑中形成的。这个地坑覆盖在一座死火山的顶部。

9.The disappointment was enormous; I could have exploded, pke a volcano, but I had to leave it inside and it ate away at me.巨大的失望,我可能会爆炸,像火山,但我不得不离开它,它里面侵蚀我。

10.What's worse is the volcano isn't even out of ammunition, although scientists say volcanic activity has slowed down in recent weeks.更糟糕的是,虽然科学家称这座火山在最近几周火山活动已减慢,但它还没有喷发完毕。