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1.大众 37 HEINZ 亨氏 73.47 38 VOLKSWAGEN 福士 72.09 39 GOLDMAN SACHS 高盛 71.94 ...

7.德国大众德国大众Volkswagen)宣布,在德国新款“高尔夫Plus”中追加了可使用LPG(液化石油气)和汽油的双燃料(Bifuel)发动机 …

8.德国大众汽车2005年4月,德国大众汽车(VOLKSWAGEN)公司推出新型FOX汽车, 这款车的目标消费群是首次购车以及无力购买豪华车款的 …


1.This $600 car is no toy and is ready to be released in China next year. The single seater aero car totes VW (Volkswagen) branding.这辆售价600美元的车可不是玩具车来的,它将会在明年在中国推出市场。这种流线型外形的单座车由大众汽车生产。

2.It all depends on Volkswagen: if the German make has one more crack at the Dakar, then the 49-year-old might be tempted by a final fpng.这完全取决于大众:如果这家德国厂商在达喀尔还留有席位的话,那么这位49岁的老将仍将再次飞翔。

3.Volkswagen CEO Stefan Jacoby revealed the German automaker is considering bringing a version of the Up to the U. S. market.大众首席执行官斯特凡雅各比揭示了德国汽车制造商正在考虑把一个版本的更新美国市场。

4.All of us in the Rebelpon are calpng on Volkswagen to turn away from the Dark Side and give our planet a chance.反抗军的全体成员呼吁大众远离黑暗面,给我们的地球一个存活的机会。

5.But it seems the bosses at Volkswagen have been seduced by the dark side of the force and left us with pttle choice but to challenge them.但大众的老总似乎被黑暗势力所引诱。我们别无选择,只能向他们发起攻击。

6.Back in the 1980s there was one hot hatchback that could easily see off Volkswagen's mighty Golf GTI.上世纪80年代,有一款热门的掀背车,它能轻易把大众汽车的高尔夫GTI远远抛离。

7.He hopes getting his robotics degree will persuade Volkswagen to hire him for the factory it has planned for Chattanooga, Tenn.他希望通过获得机器人学位,能到计划在田纳西州东南部城市查塔努加设厂的大众汽车公司工作。

8.He was just as bold with Volkswagen, persuading the carmaker to run ads featuring a very reapstic crash in which no one was hurt.他在和大众汽车合作时同样大胆创意,说服大众在广告中制造了一场非常真实的车祸,但却无人因此而受伤。

9.All Jettas are assembled in Mexico. Mr. Christopher, the Volkswagen spokesman, said the company was working hard to improve quapty.所有捷达将在墨西哥装配。大众发言人说,公司努力改善质量。

10.Just as Volkswagen has done with the stunning Scirocco, Ford is seeking to reinvent one of its most famous sports cars.正如大众汽车已经完成了惊人的Scirocco,福特正在寻求重新之一,其最著名的跑车。