



美式发音: [vwaɪˈər] 英式发音: [vwaɪˈɜː(r)]



复数:voyeurs  同义词

n.nosy parker,busybody,rubberneck,ghoul,observer



n.1.someone who gets sexual pleasure by watching other people take off their clothes or have sex, usually secretly2.someone who enjoys learning about the private details of other people's pves, especially unpleasant or shocking details

1.窥淫者 ... 235 遥控 Remote Control 192 窥视 Voyeurs 000 情色文学 Erotica ...

3.窥视者大多数网络用户是“窥视者(voyeurs)”而不是贡献者,营销人员应当把在线议论看作是一场戏剧演出的场景,其中的社区领袖与小 …


1.He referred to his audiences, people who paid to hear the music they loved played with genius, as voyeurs.他把他的听众-那些付钱听天才演奏他们喜爱的音乐的人–作为偷窥者来提及。

2.In other words we, the audience, were not just uninvolved voyeurs of the passion, we felt we were part of it.换句话说,我们观众不只是置身其外的窥淫癖,我们要感觉身临其境。

3.The status graph jpg image is shared by all the voyeurs, and the workload to support the status seekers can be isolated at a Web server.所有偷窥者共享状态图jpg图像,而用于支持状态探测器的工作负载可以隔离在一个Web服务器上。

4.Boot out any "creeps and voyeurs, " as site executives call them, who manage to make it past the vetting process for new members.将任何一个被网站管理员们称为“令人讨厌的家伙和窥淫狂”驱逐出去,管理员们设法在新会员注册时将他们清除掉。

5.You could install a reverse periscope in your headstone so morbid voyeurs could come and ogle you.你大可在墓穴里安装一台倒置潜望镜,变态的过路人可以饥渴地窥视你。

6.There is no Instant Intimacy here, nor is there any fodder for emotional voyeurs.这里没有什么顷刻暧昧,也没有任何以飨情感偷窥狂的暴料。

7.what do voyeurs see when they look into the mirror?当偷窥者照镜子时他们看到了什么?

8.If only we could really bid adieu to all voyeurs.但愿我们可以真的向所有窥探者告别。

9.so that voyeurs may watch the intimate goings-on of anonymous people.以便让那些爱偷窥的人看到不知名人士的隐私举动。

10.And we must all be voyeurs , because, I mean, the growth of this business has been absolutely extraordinary.我们肯定都是喜欢偷窥的人,因为,我是说,这家企业的成长是完全超乎寻常的。