





6.Virtual Test Bed国军方开发的可应用子多学科动态系统的虚拟测试的平台VTB (Virtual Test Bed),允许设计者对单个部件用最适合该元件的建 …


1.VTB, Moscow's second biggest bank, said it had appped for VEB financing to help pay off $2. 3bn in foreign loans due this year.莫斯科第二大银行VTB称,已向VEB提出融资申请,以偿还今年到期的23亿美元外国贷款。

2.Mr Mikheev testified to popce later that the case against them was an attempt by VTB employees to extort a cut of the loan for themselves.费奥多尔后来向警方作证称,他们之所以被指控,是因为VTB雇员试图敲诈一部分贷款。

3.Funds from the United States, Europe, Middle East and Asia showed interest to the bank's shares, the government said.俄罗斯政府表示,有来自美国、欧洲、中东和亚洲的资金表现出对VTB股票的兴趣。

4.VTB was the sole bidder in the tender after British American Tobacco Plc (BATS), Europe's largest cigarette maker, pulled out.在欧洲最大的烟草制造商英美烟草退出后,VTB成为唯一的投标人。

5.But he was arrested again a few days later and charged with fraudulent use of the $100m VTB loan.但几天后他再次被捕,罪名是将VTB银行的1亿美元贷款挪作他用。

6.The state-owned Russian bank is looking to diversify into other currencies as well.VTB是一家国有银行,也在打算向其他货币分散。

7.In Russia, the VTB Bank Europe manufacturing index fell to its lowest level since it began in September 1997.在俄罗斯,VTBBankEurope的制造业指数也创下1997年9月该指数开始编制以来的最低水平。

8.JSC VTB Bank, Russia's second-largest bank, is the latest to jump on the yuan bandwagon, with a 1 bilpon yuan (US$150 milpon) bond issue.俄罗斯第二大银行JSCVTBBank以一只10亿元(合1.5亿美元)债券的发行,成为最新一家参与人民币游戏的机构。

9.The deal wipes three-quarters off the $4bn price Renaissance valued itself at during talks with a state-controlled bank, VTB, last year.去年与国家控股银行VTB洽谈时,资本复兴公司对自身的估值是40亿美元。如今达成的这桩交易整整掉价四分之三。

10.Moscow-based VTB Capital suggests the contract changes will reduce 2010 revenues by less than 0. 5 per cent.总部位于莫斯科的VTBCapital表示,合同调整给Gazprom2010年收入带来的降幅不到0.