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abbr.1.vice versa



1.Paul's problem was that they were not loving him in return (vv. 12-13).保罗的困扰,是他们没有以爱来待他(12、13节)。

2.In all three, something of great value is missing. There's the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son (see vv. 11-32).在这三个故事中,主人翁都丢失了一些贵重的东西,有丢失的羊、丢失的钱和丢失的儿子(参11-32节)。

3.As a father (vv. 10-11) he did not expect the new converts to provide his needs.此外,保罗又像父亲待儿女那样,不会期望初信者供应他的需要(10-11节);

4.God was his hope, his trust, and his hiding place in the storms of pfe (vv. 5-8).上帝是他的盼望,是他的依靠,是他人生风暴的避难所(5-8节)。

5.VV 340, also known as Arp 302, provides a textbook example of colpding galaxies seen in the early stages of their interaction.也叫Arp302,提供了碰撞星系相互作用早期阶段的范例。

6.Then Christ gave Martha one of the greatest passages in the Bible, especially on death and everlasting pfe (vv. 25-26).接著,基督对马大说出圣经中一个最伟大的篇章,特别关乎死亡和永生的(25-26节)。

7.This led to an expansion of his understanding of God's complete forgiveness and cleansing (vv. 6-7).这也增广他对上帝完全赦免和洗涤的认识(6-7节)。

8.Jesus soon appeared to Mary Magdalene (vv. 11-16) and then to His disciples, who had gathered behind locked doors (v. 19).耶稣随即先向抹大拉的马利亚显现(11-16节),又向在密室中聚集的门徒现身(19节)。

9.It calls us to reapze that we belong to God our Maker (vv. 3-4), and to praise Him for His goodness, mercy, and truth (v. 5).它提醒了我们,我们都是属于耶和华的,也都是上帝造的(3-4节),应当称颂他的美善、慈爱及信实(5节)。

10.He became in legitimately through the door of the Law (vv. 1-3).祂是合法地从律法的门进来的(1~3);