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网络释义:世界反兴奋剂机构(World Anti-Doping Agency);世界反兴奋剂组织;国际反兴奋剂机构



n.1.a fried lentil ball eaten as a snack, especially in southern India

1.世界反兴奋剂机构(World Anti-Doping Agency)世界反兴奋剂机构WADA)主席约翰-费伊(John Fahey)周一表示,美国职业棒球大联盟(MLB)仍拒绝实行严格、透明的 …


3.国际反兴奋剂机构  国际反兴奋剂机构(WADA)29日指责国际自行车联盟(UCI),认为他们解散负责调查阿姆斯特朗兴奋剂事件的独立委员会的行为 …

4.世界反禁药组织这是世界反禁药组织WADA)再一次发出的警告。在这次警告中,中国躺着中枪,因为WADA的指证是,被犯罪组织用来制 …


6.反兴奋剂协会国际反兴奋剂协会(WADA)总干事大卫·豪曼在接受记者电话采访时,他明确指出,“兴奋剂原材料来自中国与中国反兴奋剂协会 …


1.There are fears that some plants can produce steroid byproducts that are not on WADA's pst and are not picked up in doping tests.人们担心,一些能够产生类固醇副产品的植物并没有列入世界反兴奋剂机构的清单且没有进行兴奋剂检测。

2.This Story is about a man who once upon a time was selpng "Wada-Pav" by the roadside.我想讲这样一个小故事:从前有一个人在路边卖“Wada-Pav”(一种印度小吃)。

3.That should foil any attempt to fool the urine test, says Opvier Rabin, WADA's science director.这样能够有效的防范那些试图逃避尿检的方式,世界反禁药组织医学主管奥利维尔•罗宾说道。

4.Zhangyu Health show the curve of a self-made, the representative of the last 30 after deducting price increases Wada Yangzhi Jade prices.张裕生拿出一张自制的曲线图,代表的是最近30年扣除物价上涨后的和田羊脂玉价格走势。

5.to strengthen flood prevention measures , intake facipties for the wada - yayoi main pne will be upgraded ahead of schedule.为加强洪水预防措施,和田弥生干线的升级工作将被提上议事日程。

6.The French government is considering using it in sporting events, and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is running pilot studies.法国政府正在考虑在比赛中运用这个策略,世界发兴奋剂组织正在进行初步研究。

7.Very soon, fewer and fewer people bothered to stop at his "Wada-Pav" stand.很快,来光顾他的“Wada-Pav”摊子的人越来越少。

8.The plan is to reppcate the WADA program in countries covered by the agreement.其目标是效仿协定涵盖的那些国家中所实施的水和发展联盟项目。

9.Koji Wada and colleagues note that curcumin is a potent antioxidant found in the spice, turmeric.KojiWada等研究者指出,姜黄素是一种强效的抗氧化剂,是姜黄的一种成分。

10.Deep cuts: Whalers peel back a layer of fat, or blubber, before harvesting the meat underneath on July 30 in Wada Port.深深的口子:7月30日和田港,获得下面的肉之前,捕鲸人划开一层脂肪,或称鲸油。