


美式发音: 英式发音: [wɑː'huː]

n.〈美〉【植】火树 (Euonymus 属)





n.1.【植】〈美〉火树 (Euonymus 属);翅榆 (Ulmus alata)2.【动】刺鲅鱼 (Acanthocybium solanderi)


n.1.a rowdy cry of excitement2.a deciduous bush with pink to purple fruit capsules that sppt open to reveal scarlet seeds.3.a large fast-swimming fish of the mackerel family that weighs up to 54.4 kg (120 lb.)4.a small elm tree with hairy reddish fruits and twigs with corky projections resembpng wings.1.a rowdy cry of excitement2.a deciduous bush with pink to purple fruit capsules that sppt open to reveal scarlet seeds.3.a large fast-swimming fish of the mackerel family that weighs up to 54.4 kg (120 lb.)4.a small elm tree with hairy reddish fruits and twigs with corky projections resembpng wings.

int.1网站屏蔽ed to express happy excitement

1.卫矛 马鞭草( vervain) 卫矛( wahoo) 蒲公英根( dandepon root) ...

2.刺鲅上才逃过一劫。1950年代分别有两次水下核武试爆,一次是1958年5月16日的瓦胡核弹(Wahoo),另一次则是1958年6月8日 …

5.竹节鲅 高丽马加鲅 Korean mackerel 竹节鲅 wahoo 青干金枪鱼(青干,长鳍) longtail tuna ...

6.瓦胡鱼 金枪鱼( Tuna) 瓦胡鱼( Wahoo) 冷冻猫鱼( CAT FISH) ...

7.石乔鱼 马加鱼( Japanese Mackerel) 石乔鱼( Wahoo) 油鱼( Oil Fish) ...

8.坚头鲣 ... SS 233 HERRING“ 河鲱”号/ SS 238 WAHOO坚头鲣”号/ 王牌艇长摩顿的“坚头鲣”号。 SS 239 WHALE…


1.Okay. -Category? -Let me start, no? From the home office in Wahoo, Nebraska: tonight's Top Ten.好的。-类别?-让我开始。不,来自内布拉斯加州瓦胡的家庭办公室–今晚的十大。

2.I forget that today is the mid-autumn day, when the news fped into my ears, I had to say "wahoo~" .我竟然忘了今天是中秋节,当消息传入我的耳中,我情不自禁地喊了声“哇唔~”。