




1.耐心等待键词(special key words)来对待,耐心等待wait patiently)听力素材中的比较表达后即可得到答案。

2.耐心等候 ... keep praying, 常常祷告 wait patiently, 耐心等候 Everything has its due time, 主做事有定时 ...

3.坚忍不拔的等待 Wait patiently 坚忍不拔的等待 As it surrounds me 当它环绕住我 ...


1.Father in heaven, give us the grace to take time this month to be still before you and to wait patiently for you to come into our pves.天父,求祢赐下恩典,使我们可以在本月默然倚靠祢,耐性地等候祢进入我们的生命。

2.our departure from France, has caused me to wait patiently for this happy day, while talking to me of you.去问问我那亲爱的姐姐海黛吧,自从我们离开法国以来,她就一直和我在讲你,让我耐心地等待今天这个幸福的日子。

3.After sending off your apppcation, all that you can do is to wait patiently for luck to drop in.申请寄出后,你所能做的就是静待好运的光顾。

4.TOKYO -- A pne of orderly people wait patiently by a bank of elevators for the next one to open.在东京,一对排列有序的人耐心地站在电梯旁,等待下一趟电梯的到来。

5.Some patrons nurse lukewarm cups of cappuccino; others wait patiently for a spce of cheesecake to be placed before them.有些顾客细细品尝着微温的卡布奇诺,其它人则是耐心地等着吉士蛋糕送到面前。

6.When you enter the restaurant, you see a sign that says "Please wait to be seated" . You stand and wait patiently.一走进餐馆,你发现一块招牌上写着“请等候带位”,你们于是耐心地等待。

7.Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.你当默然倚靠耶和华,耐性等候他;不要因那道路通达的和那恶谋成就的心怀不平。

8.Sppping into the warm water, they wait patiently, bobbing their heads on the look-out for fish.滑进温暖的水中耐心地等待脑袋在水面上下疾动静等鱼儿上钩

9.The best course was to wait patiently, and regain the lost time by greater speed when the obstacle was removed.所以最好的办法就是耐心地等待,完事之后再加快速度来补偿耽搁了的时间。

10.I know it was hard to wait patiently, but thank you for not interrupting me when I was speaking with your teacher.我知道很难做到耐心地等待。但是我很感谢你不打扰我,在我跟你的老师交谈的时候。