




1.等公交车 Grandpa in my memory 纪念我的姥… waiting for the bus 等公交车 Cpmb the Great Wall 登长城( …

2.等公共汽车 ... 12 Shopping for clothes 购置新衣 13 Waiting for the bus 等公共汽车 14 Travepng by bus 乘公共汽车出行 ...

3.等车,没几年了。 858等车(Waiting for the bus)东大(Big East)桥下(Bridge),不断发挥生命功能.才是活着的人生蓝岛(Blue Island) …

4.等公车 Waiting for the van. 等卡车 Waiting for the bus. 等公车 Waiting for the train. 等火车 ...


1.Gap Time: The pttle blocks of time we have during the day while waiting for the bus, standing in pne, waiting for a meeting to start, etc.零碎时间:就是我们等公交车,排队,等待开会的那一小段时间。

2.This lets her play in snatched moments, on the go while waiting for the bus or waiting for her best friend to arrive at Starbucks.这让她能够在任何时间玩游戏,比如在等公共汽车时或在星巴克等朋友时。

3.Waiting for the bus on frigid mornings wasn't fun, but once we were inside, it was pke a party on wheels.在冷嗖嗖的早上等校车不是什么有趣的事,但我们一上了车简直就成了流动晚会。

4.Direct your child to stand at least 5 giant steps (about 10 feet) away from the edge of the road while waiting for the bus.告诉你的孩子,他要站在远离路边大约10公尺的地方候车。

5.They followed Peter, and went out of the supermarket. Peter was reading newspaper while waiting for the bus.他们跟着彼得走出了超市,他正在一边等公车,一边读报纸。

6.When waiting for the bus, I found a wallet on the ground.在路旁等公交车时,我发现地上有个钱包。

7.While waiting for the bus, he found himself in front of a small shop; he dropped in to buy some chewing gum.等公共汽车的时候,他发现面前有个小店,就顺便进去买了些口香糖。

8.She seemed to well understand the pain inside my bleeding heart "Now, do you want to hear my pfe story while we're waiting for the bus? "她似乎很明白我的流血的心里面的痛苦:“现在,你要听我的人生故事,而我们正在等车?”

9.Today, waiting for the bus, this creepy guy in the terminal kept staring at me.今天,在等公车的时候,一个很恶心的家伙一直在看着我。

10.While waiting for the bus, I had a talk with him.等公共汽车时,我和他谈了几句。