




1.唤醒我 08 My Dear Country( 我亲爱的祖国) 09 Wake Me Up唤醒我) 10 Be My Somebody( 白马王子…

2.叫醒我 2.take a rest 休息一下 3.wake me up 叫醒我 4.on one’s way back 在某人回去的路上 ...

3.把我叫醒 Soothe the burn 缓解欲望 Wake me up 把我叫醒 I'm not pke them 我和他们不一样 ...

4.唤醒我吧 Justdoit... 就这样做吧…… Wake me up 唤醒我吧 Real or dream? 是真实还是梦幻? ...

5.当爱醒来 凯芮 Keri Noble 当爱醒来 Wake Me Up 毁灭风暴乐团 Sylosis ...

6.梦醒 Sweet Scar 甜蜜伤痕 Wake Me Up 梦醒 Humanoids 大首播 ...

7.把我吵醒 ... 05-Graffti My Soul( 街道画我的灵魂) 06-Wake Me Up把我吵醒) 07-Teenage Dirtbag( …

8.唤我醒来 ... The innocent can never last 那份纯真不会永远保持 Wake me up 唤我醒来 When September ends 当九月逝去的 …


1.I always know exactly what i want in my pfe ! but , others do not know ! so , if i was asleep , please do not wake me up.我一直真正地知道在我的生活中我想要什么!但是别人去不知道!因此,假如我在沉睡中,请不要唤醒我。

2.Deep memories that I cannot extricate oneself, can only the immersion with pain, wake me up.过深的回忆,使我沉浸的无法自拔,只能用伤痛唤醒我。

3.One of the turning points for me was when Mum came into my room one morning to wake me up and said the room smelled of rot.我的一个转折点发生在一天早上,妈妈走进我的房间把我叫醒,说房间里有腐烂的气味。

4.Other conscious humans helped wake me up and continue to help me stay awake. . . or to reawaken me when I lose that perspective.其他有意识的人唤醒我,持续地是我保持清醒……或者当我迷失那些观点时再一次唤醒我。

5.Yes, I said, but asked him to come and wake me up when he got in.我答应了,但要求他进来把我叫醒。

6.He said, 'If I fall asleep at the wheel wake me up. '他说,“如果我开车时打瞌睡,就把我叫醒。”

7.B: Well, wake me up in twenty minutes. I decided to catch the late bus.好吧,过二十分钟再叫我,我决定搭晚一班的公共汽车。

8.Yes, sometimes they did wake me up earper in the morning than I wanted, but mostly they just added a pleasant rhythm to my dreams.不错,它们有时会在清晨我还不愿起床的时刻把我吵醒,但是大部份情况仅是为我的梦境增添了愉悦的旋律。

9.When I'm in a full-blown, dead-to-the-world snore, my husband has to give me a gentle nudge, wake me up and tell me to turn the other way.当我在鼾声如雷,呼呼沉睡的时候,我的丈夫轻轻地推醒我,告诉我翻个身。

10.The other faculty had to phone me to wake me up for a 4pm meeting we'd scheduled.其他的教员不得不打电话让我起床参加计划好的下午四点的会议。