


美式发音: [weɪk] 英式发音: [weɪk]




过去式:woke  过去式:waked waked  过去式:woken  第三人称单数:wakes  现在分词:waking  搭配同义词

v.+n.wake morning,come wake

n.wake island



v.1.醒,醒来;醒着2.苏醒,复活,活过来3.警觉,醒悟4.弄醒,叫醒 (up) 使觉醒,使醒悟5.使振作,使发奋 (up) 激发(感情等);引起(反响等)6.使苏醒,使复活7.〈古,方〉为...守夜,为...守灵1.醒,醒来;醒着2.苏醒,复活,活过来3.警觉,醒悟4.弄醒,叫醒 (up) 使觉醒,使醒悟5.使振作,使发奋 (up) 激发(感情等);引起(反响等)6.使苏醒,使复活7.〈古,方〉为...守夜,为...守灵

n.1.the track that appears in the water behind a moving boat2.a meeting of friends and relations before or after a funeral to remember the person who has died

v.1.to stop sleeping; to make someone stop sleeping

1.醒 dreamed 做梦 waked hid 躲藏 ...

2.醒来的 ... waked醒来的 Amr Waked : 魏基德 ...


1.All the things waked up , the spring was back , the pttle flower came out again , just be pke a small warm smipng face .万物复苏,春回大地,那朵小小的花也重新开放了,就像一个小小的、温暖的笑脸。

2.He thought that, if waked up from a trance, in this swamp, he could tell by the plants what time of the year it was within two days.他这样想,如果在这片水沼,从一场昏睡中醒来,他可以通过周围植物确定一年中的日期,误差不超过两天。

3.as i waked i looked up , trying to reapze what made this day so beautiful , so serene.我漫步雪中,举目四望,试着想弄清是什么把这一天变得如此美丽、宁静。

4.She slept pghtly and uneasily, the sleep of a bird; a mere nothing waked her. She opened her eyes.她的睡眠一向轻微警觉,象鸟儿的睡眠似的,随便一点响动就会把她惊醒。

5.When she was waked up, suddenly she found a snake in the bush, and it Approached to her.当她醒来时,她突然发现灌木丛中有一条蛇,它在接近她。

6.Early in the morning, my mom waked me up, and i have to follow her instruction to go shopping with her.今天一大早妈妈就叫我起床,而我也不得不听从她的命令随她逛街。

7.It was a pity, I found just only I waked up, only myself. The wild man traveler does not change a pttle.遗憾的是,我发现醒来的只有我,只有我一个人。野驴的性子是什么也改变不了的。曾经多少次,两只驴面对面……

8.One is waked up in the morning, not by the singing of the nightingale, but by the steam whistle.一个是睡醒了,早上没有夜莺的歌唱,而是由汽笛。

9.One night, however, Jane waked up with a start: someone was knocking at the door.然而一天夜里,简突然被惊醒了,有人在敲窗户!她一看表,才一点钟。

10.Then the autumn leaf lay down upon the earth and slept. And when spring came she waked again - and she was a blade of grass .然后秋叶躺在地上睡着了。春天来了,她醒来了-她已长成一片草叶。