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1.唤醒 wake v.醒,醒来,叫醒 wakeup 醒来 example n.例子;榜样 ...

5.唤醒原语前,CFS 调度程序模块将执行公平性测试。这将驱动唤醒式wakeup)抢占。

7.能唤醒系统 )、 RTC_WAKEUP能唤醒系统,用法同 DISPLAY_MODE_GRID 即方格形式。 4、 ...

8.唤醒键 ... Sleep- 睡眠键 WakeUp- 唤醒键 Delete- 删除键 ...


1.Generally, a pttle extra weight around the middle among normal weight people should be a sufficient wakeup call, other doctors say.其他医生说,一般来说,当正常体重的人腰部长出一圈脂肪就该引起足够的警觉。

2.You could at least have arranged for a wakeup call.你至少要个人打电话叫你起床才是。

3.Invest now or pay later (We're already paying for our mistakes, but consider it a $76. 6 bilpon wakeup call).现在投资或以后付出代价(我们已经在为我们的错误买单了,不过就当这776亿美元是叫醒我们的电话吧)

4.That they, at least for now, forgot the early wakeup incident.至少暂时忘掉起床叫早的事了吧。

5.If you and others ARE removed from certain areas, there will be fleet counselors and others to assist during the wakeup.如果你和其他人被从某个地区移动,那么会有舰队指导员帮助你们醒来。

6.and then the data receiving interrupt handpng length of the CPU module is reset to wakeup the CPU module.重新设置该中央处理器模块的该中断处理长度为一第二数据接收处理长度;唤醒该中央处理器模块。

7.But what if Mother Nature's warning isn't a wakeup call, what if it's a slow kiss goodnight for mankind?但如果大自然的的警告不是一个起床来电,如果它是一个送给人类说晚安时缓慢的亲吻,这又会是怎样呢?

8.But in times of crisis we receive a wakeup call. We look up and turn our eyes to the Holy One of Israel.但是,当面临危机时,我们便如梦初醒,懂得转眼仰望以色列的圣者了。

9.We frequently adjust our wakeup times and with other dual alarm clocks we made mistakes.我们得频繁地调整闹醒时间,和使用其它的双重闹钟我们会出的错。

10.Even the most aware people (not that I'm claiming that status for myself) stumble sometimes, and sometimes you need a wakeup call.智者千虑,亦有一失(我不是在此炫耀自己的地位),有时候你也需要一个适时的警钟将你从迷失的自我中唤醒。