




1.沿着街走 告诉我 tell me 沿着街走 walk along the street 在你右边 on you right ...

2.沿着街道走 ... 1 onward;forward 向前; 往前 *walk along the street 沿着街道走 * go along the corridor 顺着走廊走. ...

3.沿着街道散步 钓鱼 go fishing 沿着街道散步 walk along the street 过会儿玩 play sth later ...

4.沿着这条大街走 ... 18. Beihai Park 北海公园 2. walk along the street 沿着这条大街走 3. on a clear day 在一个晴朗的日子 ...

5.沿著街道走 walk along the street 沿著街道走 * go along the corridor 顺著走廊走. 2 ...

6.沿街道走 Walk down the street→ 在街上走 Walk along the street沿著街走 elevator 是电梯 ...


1.After the bank on your right and then walk down the street . . . walk along the street, turn left, the bank is on your right.顺着这条街道走,然后向左拐。那家银行在你右边。用英语怎么说。

2.Caution: As you walk along the street, you will notice that the hygiene condition may not be so desirable. So will you still dare to try?注意:街道两旁都在卖小龙虾,但卫生状况看起来似乎不是很理想。有那么多的选择,就看你敢不敢试一试了。

3.It is not rare to hear someone call out "Salam Aleikum" as you walk along the street.当你走在这条街上时,听到有人道“赛俩目”并不稀奇。

4.I continued to walk along the street next to the store to find tea shadow.我就一路走着沿街挨着门面找红袖的影子。

5.It was not comfortable to walk along the street because there was garbage almost everywhere.沿著这条街道走路很不舒服,因为几乎到处都是垃圾。

6.Get off the boat and go past the station and walk along the street.下船并经过车站,沿着街走。

7.They come out of shop and walk along the street. Sun Lin is holding Becky's handbag behind his back.他们从商店出来并沿着大街向前走。孙林的手放在背后,拎着贝基的手提包。

8.Please watch out for the traffic when you walk along the street.您在街上行走时请注意来往车辆。

9.You just walk along the street. Turn right at the corner. Then walk two blocks and you'll there.沿着这条街走,在拐角处向右拐,然后再走两个街段就到了。

10.Walk along the street until you see a supermarket.直走直到你看见一家超市。