




1.两条腿走路 ... ) two ways 两条道路 ) walking on two legs 两条腿走路 ) two legs 两条腿 ...


1.All those aching backs may be trying to tell us something: It's part of the price we pay for walking on two legs.所有的那些腰酸背痛似乎尝试着告诉我们:这是我们为直立行走而付出的部分代价。

2.Walking on two legs freed our arms, opening the door to manipulating the world, Raichlen said.里奇伦说,双腿走路解放了我们的双臂,为我们主宰世界打开了大门。

3.They shamble, unused to walking on two legs, and find the human's mild sensory depravation unnerving.他们摇摇晃晃,不习惯用两条腿走路,并且觉得人类温和的感观会使他们失常堕落。

4.As time passes, the swine adopt human traits, soon wearing clothes and walking on two legs.时间推移,猪采用了人类的特征,很快就穿上衣服,用两条腿走路。

5."Walking on two legs is certainly better than walking on one leg, " Xia explained.“两条腿走路总比一条腿走路更加稳健”,夏解释道。

6.The enemies from outer space are walking on two legs this time around.来自外太空的敌人是两条腿走路这一次。

7.The ape shoulder is good for hanging from a tree, but when our ancestors started walking on two legs, the shoulder started to change.猿猴的肩膀有利于其在树上吊着,但是当我们的祖先开始以两条腿走路以后,肩膀也开始发生变化。

8.Both in the animation product itself or its derivatives should insist on the development of creative and marketing, "walking on two legs. "不论是在动漫产品本身还是其衍生产品的开发上都应该坚持创意和营销“两条腿走路”。

9.We should deal with things pke walking on two legs, or we wouldn't strike a balance.凡事都要学会两条腿走路,不然就会影响平衡。

10.it turns out that humans walking on two legs use only one - quarter of the energy that chimpanzees use while knuckle - walking on four pmbs测算结果表明,人类用两条腿行走时消耗的能量仅为大猩猩四肢着地行走时所消耗能量的四分之一。