




1.沃尔特@@我今年三十好几但就是爱米奇总是期待著可以到他的乐园玩 而这一 两年终於有机会去了 这种 …

3.沃特2011.4月中视 …

5.瓦特 Wade 韦德 Walt 瓦特 Warrick 瓦里克 ...

6.Wizzy Active Lifestyle Telephone据悉,名为Seller russel400的卖家在eBay上拍卖被苹果扼杀的WALTWizzy Active Lifestyle Telephone)。这么一款从未在市 …


1.As Walt finished and looked to his wife for approval, a man came into view around the turn of the trail.当沃尔特朗诵结束并向妻子寻求赞赏之时,一个人的身影从路的拐角处映入了他们的眼帘。

2.Shawn and Walt were around the front of the church looking at the bell tower while I was exploring the back area.肖恩和沃尔特在教堂前部检查灯塔而我在后面察看。

3.As Walt Whitman once said, he said, "Oh, I would stake all for you. "沃尔特.惠特曼曾说过:“我愿意为你赌上我的一切!”

4.As Walt Whitman once said, he said, "Oh, I would stake all for you. " Anthropologists have found evidence of romantic love in 170 societies.沃尔特·惠特曼曾说过:“我愿意为你赌上我的一切!”人类学家在170个社会中发现了爱情存在的证据。

5.Parent alert: the Walt Disney Company is now offering refunds for all those "Baby Einstein" videos that did not make children into geniuses.父母们注意了:华尔特迪斯尼公司现在正为那些没有将孩子们变成天才的音像制品提供退款。

6.Walt and I are ultimately depending on the jet now - more so than normal - and she seems to know it.黑鸟是我和沃尔特的救命恩人,没有任何一个时刻会比现在更让我们如此信任和依赖她。

7.And his fourth grade teacher did not pke it when Walt put faces and arms on the flowers he drew in a picture at school.而且学校里那位四年级的老师也不喜欢他在画好的花上再添上脸和胳膊。

8.If cryogenics were all free, then you could pve pke Walt Disney and pve for all eternity inside a block of ice.如果低温冷冻是免费的,那么你会像华尔特•迪斯尼一样生活并在一大块冰内永生。

9.Walt Whitman inciting the American eagle to soar was of considerable importance to the native man of letters.惠特曼激励美国之鹰凌空翱翔,这是对于美国文人至关重要的一件大事。

10.Even after the Disney family moved to Kansas City, Walt continued to develop and flourish in his talent for artistic drawing.就算后来迪士尼一家迁往了堪萨斯城,华特在绘画才能方面的发展和丰富也从未因此中断。