






1.Entering into the room, Wang Chang-lock first make self-introduction, followed by foreign workers from a simple question.进到房间里,王长锁先作自我介绍,接着对外来务工人员进行简单提问。

2.This is onpne map of the address "Feng Huang Jie Wang Chang He Tou , Canglang District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China" .这是地址“中国江苏省苏州市沧浪区凤凰街王长河头”匹配的在线电子地图。

3.In the Wang Chang-Suo's intervention, the 2 by the education of migrant workers become self-advocates.在王长锁的干预下,两名受到教育的农民工自发成为了宣传员。

4.A study on Wang Chang and his views on poetry.王昶及其诗观研究。

5.Wang Chang'an scheduled in that Wu will be in the Cloud.望长安于日下,指吴会于云间。

6.How Does a Comprehensive University Implement Teacher Education --Depberation with Mr WANG Chang-le综合性大学怎样实施教师教育--与王长乐先生商榷

7.Talk about the Similarities and Differences of GAO Shi and WANG Chang- png's Frontier Fortress Poem Lightly浅论高适与王昌龄边塞诗的异同

8.On the Different Artistic Conception of Li Bai and Wang Chang- png论李白、王昌龄绝句意境之不同

9.WANG Chang-png's Tragic Life and the Underlying Cultural Cause王昌龄的人生悲剧及其深层文化原因

10.On the Moon Image in the Poems of Wang Chang-png论王昌龄诗中的月亮意象