




1.沃克 ... lark: 云雀 wark: 沃克 dark: 黑暗 ...

2.工作 ... bio+graphy( 写) →写生命→传记(同) 派生词: )+wark( 工作)→ 用厚木板工作→加固, …

3.瓦克瓦克Wark)与考克斯(Cox)研究了某些硫化矿物建立气泡附着或脱离的临界CN 美国莫伦西(Morenci)铜-钼选厂于1953 …


1.My parents died when I was a baby, you know, and for the last there years I've had to wark for my food.我的父母在我还是一个婴儿的时候就已经死去了,你知道吗?过去这三年我只能挣钱养活自己。

2.At the conference yesterday, our differences were further narrowed done. The nest step is to wark out a solution acceptable to both sides.昨天的会上我们的分歧就这么勉强放到一边去了,接下来的就是要想出一个双方都能接受的方案

3.If you look back at people pke John Wark, who scored a number of goals for Liverpool and Ipswich, we had quite a lot of players pke that.如果你看看JohnWark这样的人,他为利物浦和伊普斯维奇进了很多球。当时有很多那样的球员。

4.Looking at the FCO as an outsider, Ms Wark says the government department has undergone huge cultural change.以局外人的身份来看英国外交部,沃克表示,这个政府部门经历了巨大的文化变革。

5.Further west and opposite South wark stands Somerset House, where Dikens' father worked for the navy.再往西边一些,对着南华克的是萨墨赛特宫,狄更斯的父亲曾经在这里为海军工作。

6.That would be no bad thing, says Wesley Wark, a security speciapst at the University of Toronto.多伦多大学的安全专家韦斯利•沃克称这并非坏事。

7.How come you are always late for wark?你怎么工作总是迟到?

8.Finally, learn to wark with others. We need good team work in our pfe.最后,学着和他人一起工作。我们的生活需要良好的团队精神。