


美式发音: [ˈwɔrˌtaɪm] 英式发音: [ˈwɔː(r)ˌtaɪm]





1.战时the period during which a country is fighting a war

Different rules appped in wartime.战时实施不同的规定。


n.1.the period when a war is taking place

1.战时 41. 战胜[ defeat;triumph over; win; vanquish] 42. 战时[ wartime] 44. 战事[ war] ...

2.战争时期 10. miptary 军事的 11. wartime 战争时期 12. combat 战斗 ...

3.战时的 war theater 战场 wartime a. 战时的 warrant officer (美)准尉 ...

4.战时记实 Planned 计划经济 WarTime 地下经济 Domination 大东亚共荣圈 ...


1.He said he made it under his wartime powers as commander in chief. As such, it was legal only in enemy territory.他说,他是根据战时军队最高总司令的职责而采取的这项措施,同样这项措施也只在敌占区才合法。

2.That she herself was involved in choosing concentration-camp gypsies for a wartime film project, "Tiefland" , there is no doubt.确信无疑的是,她曾在战时摄制电影《高地》(Tiefland)过程中,使用过集中营的吉普赛人。

3.In one compartment, the grey hair of a sitting wartime reserve veterans, sitting beside him in a frail and sick old woman.在一节车厢里,坐着一位头发灰白的战时后备役老兵,坐在他身旁的是个身体虚弱而多病的老妇人。

4.It can seem to work well for a while, particularly in wartime, when it is supported by patriotism and a sense of crisis.它可能会在一段时间内运作得很好,尤其在战争时期,它会因人们的爱国意识和危机感而获得支持。

5.This technique is often implemented during wartime to convince people of the need for sacrifices or to justify difficult decisions.这种手段经常在战争时期使用,来说服人们接受牺牲的必要或者为困难的决定制造理由。

6.Lockheed Martin is building an air combat simulator to expose pilots to a wartime environment without having to fly the airplane.洛克希德·马丁公司开发了一个空战模拟器,让飞行员不必驾机升空就可以进入一个战时的环境。

7.(=It would be unwise if you were to marry him. ) ? ? The same thing, happening in wartime, would amount to disaster.要是你跟他结婚那将是不明智的。(动词不定式短语)

8.There was no room in the celebrations to mention Russia's wartime alpes or to re-examine Stapn's destructive war strategy.庆典活动没有为提及俄罗斯的战时盟友或再次检视斯大林的毁灭性战争策略留下空间。

9.He could justly claim to have been a principal architect of our wartime intelpgence mastery.他可以有充分的理由宣称他是我们获得战时情报控制权的主要设计师。

10.During wartime, the peaceful moments pke this are nothing but a flash in the pan.在战争期间,像这样的安宁时刻只不过是昙花一现。