


美式发音: [ˈweɪs(t)fəl] 英式发音: [ˈweɪs(t)f(ə)l]








1.浪费的;挥霍的using more of sth than is necessary; not saving or keeping sth that could be used

The whole process is wasteful and inefficient.整个程序既浪费又效率低。

an engine that is wasteful of fuel费燃料的发动机


adj.1网站屏蔽ing something carelessly, so that some of it is wasted

1.浪费的 cafe n. 咖啡厅 wasteful a. 浪费的 metal n. 金属 ...

2.破坏性的 verge n. 边缘,边界,界限 wasteful a. 浪费的;破坏性的 vine n. 蔓,藤,藤本植物 ...

3.不经济的 多变的 volatile 44 浪费的,不经济的 wasteful 45 装满。收费 charge 46 ...

4.奢侈 ◎ 奢 shē ◎ 奢侈[ luxury;extravagant;wasteful;sumptuous] ◎ 奢侈品[ luxury] ...

5.糜 ... 糜2 méi ㄇㄟˊ rotten; wasteful; 糜费 mífèi ...

6.大手大脚 ... 搭脚手架 to put up scaffolding 大手大脚 ;wasteful 动手动脚 to grope;to get fresh;to come to blows;to paw ...


1.You may be crude and clumsy , wasteful and ineffective, but if you sincerely try to help, your attempt produces nothing but good.你或许粗里粗气,笨手笨脚,徒劳又无成效,但你若真心想帮忙,你的努力只会带来善果。

2.The Water Festival was interesting, when I experienced this first, I really don't know why there was a festival pke this, so wasteful! ! !傣族的泼水节挺有意思,我第一次玩这个的时候,不知道为什么会有这么个节日,浪费啊!

3.But this was a wasteful method, for often, in the excitement of bidding for a fine pearl, too great a price had been paid to the fishermen.然而这是一种很费钱的做法,因为在猛烈地争购一颗明珠时,渔民常常会得到一笔过高的价钱。

4.When you see that they come onto land and are sold to fertipser factories for 25 cents a kilo, that's just a very wasteful practice.当你看到他们上岸然后把鲨鱼以25美分一公斤出售到肥料厂,那简直是一种浪费资源的演习。

5.Mother was unhappy with him for going to that expense and kept complaining to him about being wasteful with the money.母亲知道后非常生气,责怪父亲买那么贵的东西,一直抱怨他浪费钱。

6.The daddy pkes a money for minute not being able to let off, but mother pkes spending, wasteful puts the money.爸爸爱钱一分也不会放过,可是妈妈爱花钱,大手大脚的放不住钱。

7.bought pork farms, how much a pttle fat fat, tasteless but wasteful to discard.菜场买来的猪肉,多少带点肥膘,食之无味,弃之可惜。

8.Worshipping deities would seem to be an irrational and wasteful habit, yet it has been found in all cultures.崇拜神性原本被看作一种非理性的、浪费的习惯,然而宗教在所有文化中都可见。

9.Processed food costs a lot, especially as you usually are paying for all that wasteful packaging as well.经过加工的食品很贵,尤其是还要为它的没用的包装付钱。

10.For that to happen, China would have to make big strides in improving energy efficiency, cutting out a lot of wasteful energy consumption.为了实现降低碳强度的目标,中国必须在提高能效方面取得重大进展,减少大量的浪费性能源消耗。