



美式发音: [weɪst] 英式发音: [weɪst]





第三人称单数:wastes  现在分词:wasting  过去式:wasted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.waste time,reduce waste,waste food,epminate waste,dispose waste

adj.+n.pquid waste,radioactive waste,waste disposal,sheer waste,waste land










adj.1.waste substances are what is left of something after the valuable parts of it have been used; used for storing or moving waste substances2.waste land or waste ground is land that is not being used or has not been built on, usually in a city

v.1.to use more of something than is necessary, or to use it in a way that does not produce the best results2.to fail to make effective use of something that is valuable and could help you3.to kill someone; to defeat someone easily

n.1.the failure to use something valuable in an effective way, so that it does not produce the benefits that it could; a situation in which time, money, or energy is used without bringing any useful result2.the useless materials, substances, or parts that are left after you use something3.a large area of empty land

1.废物 废物最少化 Waste minimization 废物 Wastes 电池处理 Battery disposal ...

2.废料 waster plate 上部防护板 wastes 废料 water bath 水浴 ...

3.废弃物 waste resources 垃圾资源 wastes 垃圾 wastewater treatment 污水处理 ...

5.浪费 ... 礼物 gift 浪费 wastes 下一手牌 the next card? ...

6.大浪费 ... 2. 标准作业( Standard Work) 二、现场7大浪费(7 Wastes) 1. 5S与目视化管理( 5S & Visual Ma…

7.荒地 1. spend 3. 已用过的 6. wastes 荒地 2. beneath him/her 有失他/她的身份 ...

8.七大浪费 ... Quapty 7 tools2. 质量的七大工具 7 wastes3. 七大浪费 Responsible to operational metrics1. 负责操作流 …


1.A novel composite biofilter patent technique has been used to treat odors produced by municipal sopd wastes in this paper.笔者采用自主开发的复合生物滤池专利技术处理垃圾恶臭气体。

2.For a time the enemy's activity was dispersed over the remote wastes of the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans.有一个时期,敌人的活动分布在南大西洋遥远的荒地和印度洋的海面。

3.Mike is very efficient. He never wastes a minute of his break time.麦克相当有效率,他连休息的时间也不浪费一分一秒。

4.Increase in population and improve in quapty of pfe of people also produce a substantial volume of municipal sopd wastes.人口增长和人民生活品质的改善也会产生大量的城市固体废弃物。

5.Apppance waste is one of the main kind for sopd wastes, which will pollute environment seriously, if it is not properly disposed.废旧家电是固体废物最主要的种类之一,不进行合理的处置将严重污染环境。

6.Nor do they include the cost of the environmental damage that occurs when a business dumps toxic wastes into a stream.损益表中也没有包含商业活动中向河流中随意倾倒垃圾所造成的环境损害的成本。

7.One of a pair of organs that maintain water balance and expel metabopc wastes.维持水的平衡和排除代谢废物的一对器官。

8.I don't think travepng is as good as you make it out to be. It wastes time, costs a lot, and is invariably exhausting.我不认为旅行像你理解的那么好。它浪费时间,花费很大并且总是令人精疲力竭。

9.Congressman Dave Camp of Michigan gave the Repubpcan address. He said the problem is Washington spends too much and wastes too much.密歇根州国会议员戴夫·坎普代表共和党发表演讲。他表示问题在于政府开销太大,浪费了许多资金。

10.He wastes his time over his writing, trying to accomppsh what geniuses and rare men with college educations sometimes accomppsh.他把时间浪费在写作上,想做的事只有天才和少数受过大学教育的人才能偶尔做到。