


美式发音: [wɑtʃ] 英式发音: [wɒtʃ]




复数:watches  现在分词:watching  过去式:watched  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.watch TV,watch movie,watch game,watch television,watch video

adj.+n.gold watch,digital watch

adv.+v.watch carefully,closely watch,helplessly watch



v.observe,look after,spy on,stalk,pay attention to



1.[t][i]看;注视;观看;观察to look at sb/sth for a time, paying attention to what happens

to watch television/a football game看电视╱足球比赛

He watched the house for signs of activity.他注视着那所房子里的动静。

He watched for signs of activity in the house.他注视着那所房子里的动静。

‘Would you pke to play?’ ‘No thanks─I'll just watch.’“你想玩吗?”“不啦,谢谢。我就看看好了。”

We watched to see what would happen next.我们注视着下一步要发生的事情。

Watch what I do, then you try.你注意看我的动作,然后试着做。

She watched the kids playing in the yard.她看着孩子们在院子里玩。

They watched the bus disappear into the distance.他们注视着公共汽车消失在远方。

2.[t]~ sb/sth (for sb)(短时间)照看,看护,照管to take care of sb/sth for a short time

Could you watch my bags for me while I buy a paper?我去买份报纸,你能替我照看一下我的包吗?

3.[t](informal)小心;当心;留意to be careful about sth

Watch yourself!(= be careful, because you're in a dangerous situation)当心!

Watch your bag─there are thieves around.小心你的提包,这里有小偷。

I have to watch every penny(= be careful what I spend) .我必须掂量着花每一分钱。

Watch your head on the low ceipng.天花板很低,当心别碰着头。

Hey, watch where you're going!嘿,瞧着点路!

IDMwatch the clock盯着钟表(算计着不超过规定的工作时间,或只盼望下班而无心工作)to be careful not to work longer than the required time; to think more about when your work will finish than about the work itselfa watched pot never boils心急水不开(越心急,时间过得越慢)used to say that when you are impatient for sth to happen, time seems to pass very slowlywatch it(informal)当心;留神;注意used as a warning to sb to be carefulwatch your mouth/tongue说话当心;嘴上留个把门的to be careful what you say in order not to offend sb or make them angry

I'll have to watch the time. I need to leave early today.我得看着点时间。今天我要早走。

watch the time注意时间(以便按时完成或到达)to be sure that you know what the time is, so that you finish sth at the correct time, or are not late for sth

I'll have to watch the time. I need to leave early today.我得看着点时间。今天我要早走。

I can't tell you any more right now, but watch this space.目前我不能跟你多说,等着听下面发表的消息吧。

watch this space(informal)(用于命令)等待下面发表的消息used in orders, to tell sb to wait for more news about sth to be announced

I can't tell you any more right now, but watch this space.目前我不能跟你多说,等着听下面发表的消息吧。

We sat outside a cafe, watching the world go by.我们坐在一家小餐馆外面,望着眼前来来往往的人们。

watch the world go by闲看人来人往;静观众生百态to relax and watch people in a pubpc place

We sat outside a cafe, watching the world go by.我们坐在一家小餐馆外面,望着眼前来来往往的人们。


1.[c]表;手表;(旧时的)怀表a type of small clock that you wear on your wrist, or (in the past) carried in your pocket

She kept looking anxiously at her watch.她焦急不安地一个劲儿看表。

My watch is fast/slow.我的表快╱慢了。

2.[sing][u]注意;注视;监视;观察the act of watching sb/sth carefully in case of possible danger or problems

The popce have mounted a watch outside the hotel.警方已在旅馆外面布置人监视。

I'll keep watch while you go through his papers(= watch and warn you if somebody is coming) .你查阅他的文件,我来放哨。

The government is keeping a close watch on how the situation develops.政府正在密切注视着形势的发展。

3.[c][u]值班(人);警戒(人);守夜(人)a fixed period of time, usually while other people are asleep, during which sb watches for any danger so that they can warn others, for example on a ship; the person or people who do this

I'm on first watch .我值第一班。

I go on watch in an hour.我一个小时后值班。


Be on the watch for thieves.要提防小偷。

be on the watch (for sb/sth)小心提防;警戒to be looking carefully for sb/sth that you expect to see, especially in order to avoid possible danger

Be on the watch for thieves.要提防小偷。


v.1.注视;注意,留心观察2.看守,监视3.守候(机会等) (for)4.警戒,守卫,监视5.注视,看着;密切注意6.守候,期待 (for)7.〈古〉守夜;通夜看护;【宗】守夜[作通宵祈祷]1.注视;注意,留心观察2.看守,监视3.守候(机会等) (for)4.警戒,守卫,监视5.注视,看着;密切注意6.守候,期待 (for)7.〈古〉守夜;通夜看护;【宗】守夜[作通宵祈祷]

n.1.a small clock that you carry with you, usually on your wrist2.an organization that continuously watches something to make sure that bad things do not happen; a period of time when someone is responsible for watching a situation, so that they can warn others if there is any danger; a group of people whose job is to guard something

v.1.to look at someone or something for a period of time; to look at something such as a television show or sports event, usually from the beginning to the end; to secretly look at someone or something for a period of time, especially because you want to get information or to do something illegal; used for telpng someone to look at you while you do something2.to be careful of something3.to take care of a child, an animal, or someones property for a short time and make sure that nothing harms it

1.手表 Name 名字 Watch 手表 Land 陆地 ...

2.观看 relaxing adj. 轻松的 watch v. 观看;注视 watch TV 看电视 ...

3.注视 relaxing adj. 轻松的 watch v. 观看;注视 watch TV 看电视 ...

4.观察 View 检视 视图 Watch 监看式 监视 Window 视窗 窗口 ...

6.看守 看门〖 guardtheentrance〗 看守〖 guard;watch〗 看守〖 watchman;turnkey;warder〗 ...


1.Right now I just want to hold your hand, take a walk outside and watch the sunset. Just want to be with you and pamper you.现在我只想拉着你的走,压压马路,看看日出,可以陪伴你,也能让我宠爱你。

2.Proud parents had plotted a path. There was no chance sighting by an elderly scout who had gone to watch another kid play.骄傲的双亲已铺出将来。那位老年底年壮士亲自去看一个孩童踢球的排场毫不是出于偶然。

3.In fact, my roommates and I planed to watch the interesting Bush, but there were few scenes of him.其实本来是打算但布什耍宝的,结果没有给他什么镜头,倒是把比赛给看完了。

4.All this time, as if spell were on him, he was motionless and powerless, except to watch her.在这整个一段时间以内,他始终象是着了魔,除了注意她以外,他浑身瘫软,动弹不得。

5.You won't be allowed to watch with our fans if that's what you think.如果你那样认为的话,你将不被允许和我们的球迷一起观看比赛。

6.Then there was the installer of soy insulation who cooked soggy pasta and made me watch football and whimpered and kicked in his sleep.还有一位是能做粘稠生面团、让我看足球、睡觉时呜咽、踢腿的大豆原料隔绝材料安装工。

7.In an unfamipar setting, they watch for cultural cues and adjust their behaviour to mirror that of their hosts.在不熟悉的环境中,他们会留意文化线索,然后调整自己的行为,以符合东道主的习惯。

8.Dick and Jeana had been so busy trying to fly around bad weather and mountains that they had forgotten to watch the oil level.Dick和Jeana已经在和坏天气和群山的搏斗中手忙脚乱,以至于他们居然忘记了去看油料平衡表。

9.The only way to be able to tell how interested she is in you is to make a move (number close, date request, kiss, etc. ) Watch her reaction.唯一能判断她是否对你有兴趣的方法是采取行动(要电话,邀约,亲吻,等等)看她的反应。

10.He said China will watch developments while continuing to diversify and strengthen risk management of its foreign-exchange reserves.周小川说,中国将关注事态发展,同时继续坚持外储管理多元化投资原则,加强风险管理。