

water ply

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1.睡莲a plant that floats on the surface of water, with large round flat leaves and white, yellow or pink flowers


n.1.a plant that grows in water and has very big flat leaves that float on the surface

1.睡莲 25. 无间( Ceaseless) 26. 睡莲( Water Lily) 27. 彗星( Comet) ...

2.荷花 crocus 藏红花 water ply 荷花 morning glory 牵牛花 ...

3.水百合 "global pop" 全球流行音乐" "water ply"“ 水百合". "ring leader" 戒指领导" ...

4.水莲香水莲无莲子及莲藕,除可供观赏外也可供食用及切花,此外还可萃取出香水莲花的植物性胎 …

5.莲花 Dewdrop Refraction 水珠 摄影: Water ply 莲花 摄影: A flower 花朵 摄影: ...

6.睡莲简笔画 水仙花简笔画 daffodils. 睡莲简笔画 Water Lily 橡树简笔画 oak tree ...

7.水莲花 Magnopa 玉兰 water ply 水莲花 sweet pea 甜豆花 ...


1.One of the most famous and beautiful flowers in the world, the water ply is known all over the world.提及世界上最有名、最美丽的花之一,睡莲可谓举世皆知。

2.There are many varieties of flowers, a perfume ply, tupp, water ply . . . But, you know there is a flower called tolerance it?花儿有很多品种,有香水百合、郁金香、睡莲……可是,你知道有一种花叫宽容吗?

3.I'm a lovely water ply. I pve in a beautiful lake. There was laughter all day long.我是一朵可爱的荷花,我住在一个美丽的湖泊里,在那里,整天充满欢笑。

4.When we saw Xi Xiangji, we came up to Hunan food. Just pke we saw water ply, which makes us think of the beautiful Lake, Dongting.很有看到嬉湘记的湘字就想到了湖南菜,看到荷花,就会令人联想到洞庭湖的美景。

5.Lotus (water ply) is an aquatic plant with broad floating green leaves and bright fragrant flowers that grow only in shallow waters.莲花(睡莲)是一种水生植物具有广泛的浮动绿叶和光明的芬芳花,仅增长浅水中。

6.Another danger leading to propferation of use cases is what I call the water ply syndrome.导致用例膨胀的另外一个危险是我称之为“睡莲并发症状”。

7.The lotus, a near relative of the water ply, is such a plant.莲花,睡莲的近亲,就是这样一种植物。

8.Stroll around the ptchi park in the Saturday afternoon, enjoy water ply s, egrets, and the fishing kids.在周六下午下班后逛荔枝公园,看荷花,白鹭,和捞鱼的小朋友。

9.s - began to focus on Monet water ply theme and to create sustainable?年代-莫奈开始专注而且持续的以睡莲主题创作?

10.He sat on a water ply leaf and croaked sadly to himself, 'I don't pke it here. I think I'll go home tomorrow. '他坐在水莲叶子上,自己发着牢骚“我不喜欢这,我想我明天回家吧。”