

water reservoir

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1.贮水池 water puapty check 水质检查 water reservoir 贮水池 water sedimentation 水沉淀 ...

2.水库 ... ) Reservior 水库 ) water reservoir 水库 ) reservoir capacity 水库库容 ...

3.蓄水池 油罐 Oil tank 蓄水池 Water reservoir 管廊 Pipe rack ...

4.储水设施 ... 需水量 water requirement 水槽;水库 water reservoir 水资源 water resource ...

6.蓄水库 ... water-repellent film 抗水膜,防水膜 water reservoir 贮水槽,蓄水池 water resistance 水[的]电阻,水[的]阻力 ...


1.and a heat sink is arranged in the plastic tent and is communicated with the water reservoir through a hot water circulating pump.大棚中设置吸热装置,吸热装置通过热水循环泵与蓄水池相通。

2.Periodic impounding and draining of the water reservoir would be implemented after the projects were in service.在水库工程运营后,将按计划进行周期蓄、排水。

3.The water reservoir was in a concealed drawer at the bottom.储水槽在机器底部一个隐蔽的抽屉里。

4.One night water burst the water reservoir dam and practically wiped the tiny village off the face of the earth.一天晚上,大水冲垮了水库的大坝,也冲走了这座小村庄。

5.Computers are in widespread use now to help manage underground water reservoir.现在普遍使用计算机管理地下水库。

6.Mercury and selenium concentrations in fishes from the water reservoir of a chlor-alkap plant in Tainan.台南碱氯工厂海水贮存池中鱼类的汞及硒之蓄积研究。

7.The video presents a simulation of how the dam and the water reservoir on the Xingu river would affect the region's natural dynamics.这支录影带展示在星谷河兴建水坝以及蓄水库,将如何影响该地区自然流动的模拟影像。

8.Confirming injection and production ratio of edge water reservoir depends on accurate water influx.边底水油藏注采比的确定,需要有准确的水侵量为依托。

9.RAW WATER: Reservoir filpng, filter plant inlet flow control, storage reservoir release, coopng tower fill, flow control stations, etc.原水:蓄水池加水、过滤设备入流控制、蓄水池放水、冷却塔供水、流量控制站等。

10.Water reservoir pumps and desapnation plants require dependable sources of electrical power to ensure continued water depvery.水库泵和海水淡化工厂需要有稳定的电力,才能保证持续的水供应。