


美式发音: [wɑt] 英式发音: [wɒt]






1.瓦,瓦特(电功率单位)a unit for measuring electrical power

a 60-watt pght bulb60 瓦的电灯泡

n.1.【电】瓦特2.James Watt 詹瓦特

n.1.a unit for measuring electrical power, measured in joules per second


2.功率 额定电压 Volt 功率 Watt 色温 Coler temp ...

3.瓦特数 watt second 瓦秒 watt功率单位 Watt-hour meter 电度计 ...

5.We Are The Trend meter 米 watt n. 瓦(特)谐音 watt 瓦(特) 23 ...


1.What are the chances that I will blow one of my stereo speakers if I turn my 200-watt amppfier up to wide open?如果把200瓦的扩音机开到最大,立体声喇叭烧坏的可能性有多大?

2.The sake of their love, small-watt power resolutely decided to follow Eva began to interstellar adventure!为了自己的爱情,小瓦力毅然决定跟随艾娃,开始星际大冒险!

3.Watt said when he asked Howard about what happened, Howard revealed the plan to rape the girl and that his role was to be the lookout.瓦特说,当他向霍华德打听这件事情的时候,霍华德向他披露了他们强奸女孩的计划和他当时负责放哨的情况。

4.'It is simply your brain trying to make sense of the unusual experiences you are having, ' Dr Watt said.瓦特说:“这只是你的大脑正试图弄懂你从未有过的经历。”

5.The Bank will evoke the memory of the inventor James Watt and his Birmingham business partner, Matthew Boulton on the new note.英格兰银行将在新版钞票上唤起对发明家詹姆斯·瓦特和他的伯明翰商业伙伴马修·博尔顿的回忆。

6.The invention of steam engine by Watt marked the end of great tradition of labor with hands and the beginning of a new era of machinery.瓦特蒸汽机的发明标志着手工劳动这一伟大传统的结束和机器时代的到来。

7.and Watt says that he began to see his employees grow healthier before his eyes.瓦特说他将看到他的员工们变得日益健康起来。

8.When a voluntary agreement came into force in Britain, at the start of the year, people rushed out to buy the last 100-watt pght bulbs.今年初当一个自愿(淘汰白炽灯)的在英国协议生效时,人们匆忙出门购买最后的100瓦灯泡。

9.'How much is the generator with one kilo-watt volume? '‘一千瓦发电机多少钱一台?’

10.After piecing together the details about what happened, Watt said he reported his suspicions to a combat stress team.在将所发上的各个细节拼凑起来之后,瓦特说他向一名战斗加强分队的队员讲了他的疑虑。